From edea1dbcfdbe459610ef67baa02f2bd6482e8547 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: trankilloman Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2015 21:38:43 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] ajout texte jeanne d'hack et librairie --- Openscad version/text_on/text_on.scad | 665 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Openscad version/tourjeannedarc.scad | 10 +- 2 files changed, 673 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) create mode 100644 Openscad version/text_on/text_on.scad diff --git a/Openscad version/text_on/text_on.scad b/Openscad version/text_on/text_on.scad new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fe52aeb --- /dev/null +++ b/Openscad version/text_on/text_on.scad @@ -0,0 +1,665 @@ +/* text on .... + This is a rework of version 3 of write.scad to use the new OpenSCAD internal text() primitive. + All credit to Harlan Martin ( for his great effort on the original. + Great thanks to t-paul (and the OpenSCAD dev team) on adding the new text() primitive. +*/ + + +/* +The arguments to be provided for each function are explictly in the modules. + +All modules take close to all the arguments to text() [Not all features are supported in all text_on_object() modules though -- try them out warnings will be given if it is not supported] + +text() params: +t +size +spacing +font +direction -- ltr, ttb, btt or rtl +language +script +halign -- left, right or center +valign -- baseline, bottom, top or center + +All modules also take the additional arguments: +extrusion_height = depth of the letter, i.e. how far it sits proud +rotate +center //center the text at the location it is being written (NOT that the object is centered) + +ALL faux-objects that the text is applied to have center=true +TODO: object_center=true/false (already done for cylinder) + +The above arguemnts can be seen in text_extrude() as all modules call that module evetually (often multiple times). + +locn_vector -- Where the faux-object has been translated to. TODO: Rename object to translate_vector? + +Additional arguments for text_on_cube(): + +Additional arguments for text_on_cylinder(): + +Additional arguments for text_on_circle(): + +Additional arguments for text_on_sphere(): + + +*/ + +// These control the default values for text_extrude(), text_on_sphere(), text_on_cube(), text_on_cylinder(), text_on_circle() +// if the arguments are not included in the call to the module. + +// Defaults +// Defaults for all modules +default_t="text_on"; +default_size = 4; //TODO - Can we make this 10?? To match internal size? There is an underlying value in text() -- This masks that. +default_font = "Liberation Mono"; +default_spacing = 1; //Spacing between characters. There is an underlying value in text() -- This masks that. We try and match it here. +default_rotate = 0; // text rotation (clockwise) +default_center = true; //Text-centering +default_scale = [1,1,1]; +default_extrusion_height = 2; //mm letter extrusion height + +//Defaults for Cube +default_cube_face = "front"; // default face (top,bottom,left,right,back,front) +default_sphere_rounded = false; //default for rounded letters on text_on_sphere +default_cube_updown = 0; //mm up (-down) from center on face of cube +default_cube_rightleft = 0; //mm right(-left) from center on face of cube + +//Defaults for Sphere +default_sphere_northsouth= 0; +default_sphere_eastwest = 0; +default_sphere_spin = 0; //TODO:Different to rotate? or up/down. Better name? + +//Defaults for Cylinder (including circle as it is on top/bottom) +default_circle_middle = 0; //(mm toward middle of circle) +default_circle_ccw = false; //write on top or bottom in a ccw direction +default_circle_eastwest = 0; +default_cylinder_face = "side"; +default_cylinder_updown = 0; + +//Internal values - don't play with these :) +//This is much more accurate than the PI constant internal to Openscad. +internal_pi=3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209; +internal_pi2=internal_pi*2; + +//Internal values - You might want to play with these if you are using a proportional font +internal_space_fudge = 0.80; //Fudge for working out lengths (widths) of strings + +debug = true; + +//---- Helper Functions ---- +//String width (length from left to right or RTL) in OpenSCAD units +//NOTE: These are innacurate because we don't know the real spacing of the chars and so have to approximate +//They work for monospaced (fixed-width) fonts well +function width_of_text_char( size, spacing ) = (size * internal_space_fudge * spacing); +function width_of_text_string_num_length(length, size, spacing) = ( width_of_text_char( size, spacing ) * (length)); +function width_of_text_string( t, size, spacing ) = ( width_of_text_string_num_length(len(t), size, spacing) ); + +function cylinder_center_adjusted_top( height, center ) = ((center==true)?(height/2):(height)); +function cylinder_center_adjusted_bottom( height, center ) = ((center==true)?(height/2):(0)); + + +//Angle that measures width of letters on perimeter of a circle (and sphere and cylinder) +function rotation_for_character(size, spacing, r, rotate = 0) + = ( width_of_text_char( size, spacing ) /(internal_pi2*r))*360*(1-abs(rotate)/90); + + +//Rotate 1/2 width of text if centering +//One less -- if we have a single char we are already centred.. +function rotation_for_center_text_string( t, size, spacing,r,rotate,center) + = ( (center)?((width_of_text_string_num_length( len(t)-1, size, spacing )/2/(internal_pi2*r)*360)):(0) ); + +//Rotate according to rotate and if centred text also 1/2 width of text +function rotation_for_center_text_string_and_rotate( t, size, spacing,r,rotate,center) + = (((center)?((width_of_text_string( t, size, spacing )/2/(internal_pi2*r)*360)):(1)) * (1-abs(rotate)/90)); + + +//---- Text on Object Functions ---- +//Text on the top or side of a cylinder. +//Supports writing on normal and slanty cylinders +//cylinder(h,r,center) +//cylinder(h,r1,r2,center) +module text_on_cylinder(t=default_t, + //Object-specific + locn_vec = [0,0,0], + r,r1,r2,h, + face = default_cylinder_face, + updown = default_cylinder_updown, + rotate = default_rotate, + eastwest = default_circle_eastwest, + middle = default_circle_middle, + ccw = default_circle_ccw, + cylinder_center = false, //if the cylinder object we are writing on is center==true + //TODO: add rounded + + //All objects + extrusion_height = default_extrusion_height, + center = default_center, + //All objects -- arguments as for text() + font = undef, + size = default_size, + direction = undef, + halign = undef, + valign = undef, + language = undef, + script = undef, + spacing = default_spacing +){ +// echo (str("text_on_cylinder:There are " ,len(t) ," letters in t" , t)); +// echo (str("text_on_cylinder:","h" , h)); +// echo (str("text_on_cylinder:","r=" , r)); +// echo (str("text_on_cylinder:","r1=" , r1)); +// echo (str("text_on_cylinder:","r2=" , r2)); + + if((halign!=undef) || (halign!=undef)) + { + echo (str("text_on_cylinder:","WARNING " , "halign and valign are NOT supported.")); + } + + assign( rtl_sign = (direction=="rtl") ? (-1) : (1) ) + { + if ((face=="top")||(face=="bottom") ){ + //Work on a circle + assign( locn_offset_vec = ((face=="top" ) ? ([0,0,cylinder_center_adjusted_top(h,cylinder_center)]) : ([0,0,cylinder_center_adjusted_bottom(h,cylinder_center)]) )) + assign( rotation_angle = ((face=="top" ) ? (0) : (180) )) + assign( int_radius = (r==undef)?((face=="top" ) ? (r2) : (r1) ) : (r) ) //Assign the top/bottom radius for slanty-cylinders + { + rotate(rotation_angle,[1,0,0]) + text_on_circle(t,locn_vec+locn_offset_vec,r=int_radius-size, + font=font,size=size, + spacing=spacing,direction=direction,language=language,script=script,halign=halign,valign=valign, + extrusion_height=extrusion_height, + rotate=rotate, + eastwest=eastwest,middle=middle,ccw=ccw); + } + }else{ + if((middle!=undef) && (middle!=default_circle_middle)) + { + //TODO: Which others? + //TODO: Which side things aren't supported on the circle + echo (str("text_on_cylinder:","WARNING " , "middle NOT supported for the SIDE of a cylinder.")); + } + //Work on the side + assign( locn_offset_vec = ((cylinder_center==true)?([0,0,0]):([0,0,h/2])) ) + rotate(-rtl_sign * rotation_for_center_text_string_and_rotate(t, size, spacing,r,rotate,center), [0,0,1]) + translate(locn_vec+locn_offset_vec) + __internal_text_on_cylinder_side(t,locn_vec,r=r,h=h,r1=r1,r2=r2, + cylinder_center=cylinder_center, + center=center, + font=font,size=size, + spacing=spacing,direction=direction,language=language,script=script,halign=halign,valign=valign, + extrusion_height=extrusion_height, + rotate=rotate,face=face,updown=updown, + eastwest=eastwest); + } + } +} + +//circle(r) +module text_on_circle(t=default_t, + //Object-specific + locn_vec = [0,0,0], + r, + eastwest = default_circle_eastwest, + middle = default_circle_middle, + ccw = default_circle_ccw, + + //All objects + extrusion_height = default_extrusion_height, + rotate = default_rotate, + center = default_center, + + //All objects -- arguments as for text() + font = undef, + size = default_size, + direction = undef, + halign = undef, + valign = undef, + language = undef, + script = undef, + spacing = default_spacing +){ +// echo (str("text_on_circle:","There are " ,len(t) ," letters in t" , t)); +// echo (str("text_on_circle:","rotate=" , rotate)); +// echo (str("text_on_circle:","eastwest=" , eastwest)); + + if((halign!=undef) || (halign!=undef)) + { + echo (str("text_on_circle:","WARNING " , "halign and valign are NOT supported.")); + } + + assign( ccw_sign = (ccw==true) ? (1) : (-1) ) + assign( rtl_sign = (direction=="rtl") ? (-1) : (1) ) + assign( ttb_btt_inaction = (direction=="ttb" || direction=="btt") ? (0) : (1) ) + assign( rotate_z_outer = ( -rotate + ccw_sign*eastwest ) ) + { + rotate(rotate_z_outer, [0,0,1]) + { + assign( rotate_z_inner = (-rtl_sign * ccw_sign * ttb_btt_inaction * rotation_for_center_text_string( t, size, spacing, r-middle, rotate, center)) ) + rotate( rotate_z_inner, [0,0,1] ) + { + translate(locn_vec) + for (l=[0:len(t)-1]){ + //TTB/BTT means no per letter rotation + assign( rotate_z_inner2_tmp = -ccw_sign * 90 + ttb_btt_inaction*rtl_sign*ccw_sign*l*rotation_for_character(size, spacing, r-middle, rotate=0) ) //Bottom out=-270+r + assign( rotate_z_inner2 = (rotate_z_inner2_tmp) ) + //TTB means we go toward center, BTT means away + rotate( rotate_z_inner2, [0,0,1] ) + assign( vert_x_offset = (direction=="ttb" || direction=="btt") ? ( l * size * ((direction=="btt")?(-1):(1)) ) : ( 0 ) ) + translate([r-middle - vert_x_offset,0,0]) + rotate(-ccw_sign*270,[0,0,1]) // flip text (botom out = -270) + text_extrude(t[l],center=true, + font=font,size=size, + rotate=undef, + spacing=spacing, + direction=undef, //We don't pass direction ( misaligns inside text() ). TODO: Investigate why + language=language,script=script,halign=halign,valign=valign, + extrusion_height=extrusion_height ); + } + } + } + } +} + +//Only expected to be called from another function. No defaults as expected to be done in parent. +//NOTE: This is hacked. Requires more mathematics than I feel like to do properly today.... +//TODO: Refactor the two operations - side of normal and slanty +//No default checks in this funciton -- done in parent +module __internal_text_on_cylinder_side(t=default_t, + //Object-specific + locn_vec = [0,0,0], + r,r1,r2,h, + cylinder_center, + + //All objects + extrusion_height = default_extrusion_height, + center = undef, + rotate = default_rotate, + + //All objects -- arguments as for text() + font = undef, + size = default_size, + direction = undef, + halign = undef, //Overridden + valign = undef, + language = undef, + script = undef, + spacing = default_spacing +) +{ +// echo (str("__internal_text_on_cylinder_side:There are " ,len(t) ," letters in t" , t)); +// echo (str("__internal_text_on_cylinder_side:","h=" , h)); +// echo (str("__internal_text_on_cylinder_side:","r=" , r)); +// echo (str("__internal_text_on_cylinder_side:","r1=" , r1)); +// echo (str("__internal_text_on_cylinder_side:","r2=" , r2)); +// echo (str("__internal_text_on_cylinder_side:","direction=" , direction)); + + if((halign!=undef) || (halign!=undef)) + { + echo (str("text_on_cylinder:","WARNING " , "halign and valign are NOT supported.")); + } + + wid = width_of_text_char( size, spacing ); //TODO: refactor this out? + + function calc_radius_at_height_offset(r1,r2,h_total,h_offset) = ( r1 + ((r2-r1) * (h_total-h_offset)/h_total) ); + + //Has to factor in up/downedness + //Starts at middle height then height displacement is reduced under rotation and by the slope of the uneven radii + function calc_height_offset_at_length(r1,r2,h,length,rotate, updown) = ( h/2 - updown + length * rotate/90 * cos( atan( (r2-r1)/h ) ) ); + + function calc_radius_at_length(r1,r2,h,length,rotate,updown) = ( calc_radius_at_height_offset(r1,r2,h,calc_height_offset_at_length(r1,r2,h,length,rotate,updown))); + + if(r==undef) + { + //Slanty-cylinder (truncated cone) warnings + if((direction=="btt") || (direction=="ttb")) + { + //TODO: After the issues are resolved refactoring should give this pretty easily + echo (str("text_on_cylinder:","WARNING" , " - Slanty-cylinders definitely don't directions TTB or BTT on sides yet. Setting direction to ltr.")); + } + if(center==true) + { + echo (str("text_on_cylinder:","WARNING" , " - Slanty-cylinders don't support centering yet. Setting center to false. You can adjust updown and eastwest and achieve most of what you are after....")); + } + } + + assign( r1 = ((r1!=undef)?(r1):(r)) ) + assign( r2 = ((r2!=undef)?(r2):(r)) ) + //NOTE: r is not used after here. We operate on generalised slanty cone (r1 and r2) + + //TODO: Look at changing this to extrusion_height_center + //and renaming the other as text_center + assign( r1 = center?(r1-extrusion_height/2):(r1) ) + assign( r2 = center?(r2-extrusion_height/2):(r2) ) + + assign( center = ((r!=undef)?(center):(false)) ) //We don't do (text) centering for the slanty cones/helical paths (yet? ever?). Needs to do quite a few offset calcs. + assign( direction = ((r==undef) && ((direction=="ttb")||(direction=="btt")))?("ltr"):(direction) ) //We don't do ttb or btt directions on slanty + assign( rtl_sign = ((direction=="rtl") ? (-1) : (1)) ) + + + { + //This code takes care of slanty cylinders and "normal" cylinders + translate([0,0,updown]) + rotate(eastwest,[0,0,1]) + for (l=[0:len(t)-1]){ + //TODO: TTB and BTT need to have a different concept of path/length than this for RTL/LTR + //width_of_... is half a char too long -- add 0.5 (counting from zero) + assign( length_to_center_of_char = width_of_text_string_num_length(l+0.5,size,spacing) ) + assign( radius_here = calc_radius_at_length(r1,r2,h, length_to_center_of_char, rotate, updown) ) + //Rotating into position and tangentially to surface -- Don't rotate per character for ttb/btt + //-90 is to get centering at origin + assign( rotate_z_inner = -90 + rtl_sign * rotation_for_character(size, spacing, ( radius_here ), rotate) * ((direction=="ttb" || direction=="btt") ? ( 0 ) : ( l )) ) + rotate(rotate_z_inner,[0,0,1]) + //Positioning - based on (somewhat innacurate) string length + //Offset per character to go up/down the side in ttb/btt -- TTB down, BTT up + assign( vert_z_char_offset = (direction=="ttb" || direction=="btt") ? ( l * size * ((direction=="ttb")?(-1):(1)) ) : ( 0 ) ) + //Only if RTL/LTR and if center -- center the text (starts off in a more visually appealing location) + assign( vert_z_half_text_offset_tmp = (len(t)-1)/2 * ((rotate)/90*wid) ) + assign( vert_z_half_text_offset = ((direction=="ttb" || direction=="btt") || (center==false))?(0):(vert_z_half_text_offset_tmp) ) + translate([ radius_here , 0, vert_z_char_offset - l * ((rotate)/90*wid) + vert_z_half_text_offset]) + + //Flip to tangent on the sloping side (without respecting rotation impact on the tangent -- rotate seems a little off. TODO: Investigate). + rotate( atan( (r2-r1)/h ) , [0,1,0]) + //Flip onto face of "normal" cylinder + rotate(90,[1,0,0]) + rotate(90,[0,1,0]) + + //Modify the offset of the baselined text to center + translate([0,(center)?(-size/2):(0),0]) + + text_extrude(t[l], + center=false, + rotate=rotate, + font=font,size=size, + spacing=spacing, + direction=undef, //We don't pass direction ( misaligns inside text() ). TODO: Investigate why + language=language,script=script, + halign="center", //This can be relaxed eventually + valign="baseline", //Need this to keep all letters on the same line (could also support top -- otherw will make + extrusion_height=extrusion_height + ); + } + } +} + +//sphere(r) +//NB: Iterates through characters/glyphs and presents them individually (but supports actions across the entire string still) +//supports all features of text() except: halign and valign +module text_on_sphere(t=default_t, + //Object-specific + locn_vec = [0,0,0], + r, + eastwest = default_sphere_eastwest, + northsouth = default_sphere_northsouth, + rotate = default_rotate, + spin = default_sphere_spin, + rounded = default_sphere_rounded, + //All objects + extrusion_height = default_extrusion_height, + center = default_center, //center = false doesn't really even make sense to do (IMHO) + scale = default_scale, + //All objects -- arguments as for text() + font = undef, + size = default_size, + direction = undef, + halign = undef, //Not supported - only here to enable a warning + valign = undef, //Not supported - only here to enable a warning + language = undef, + script = undef, + spacing = default_spacing +){ + //echo ("text_on_sphere:There are " ,len(t) ," letters in t" , t); + + if((halign!=undef) || (halign!=undef)) + { + echo (str("text_on_sphere:","WARNING " , "halign and valign are NOT supported (functionality used in centering).")); + } + + //TODO: refactor this? + assign( rtl_sign = (direction=="rtl") ? (-1) : (1) ) + + //TODO: Look at changing this to extrusion_height_center + //and renaming the other as text_center + //If we are centered - we sink the radius by half the + //extrusion height to draw "just below the surface" + assign( r = center?(r-extrusion_height/2):(r) ) + + rotate(eastwest,[0,0,1]) + rotate(-northsouth,[1,0,0]) + rotate(spin,[0,1,0]) + //This tries to center the text (for RTL text). + assign( ttb_btt_inaction = (direction=="ttb" || direction=="btt") ? (0) : (1) ) + rotate( -rtl_sign * ttb_btt_inaction * rotation_for_center_text_string(t, size, spacing, r, rotate, center), [0,0,1]) + { + translate(locn_vec) + if ( rounded == false ){ + __internal_text_on_sphere_helper(t=t,r=r, + rotate=rotate, + center=center, + scale=scale, + font=font,size=size, + spacing=spacing, + direction=direction, + language=language,script=script,halign=halign,valign=valign, + extrusion_height=extrusion_height + ); + }else{ + //If rounding then clip the text inside an inner sphere and outer sphere + intersection() + { + __internal_text_on_sphere_helper(t=t,r=r, + rotate=rotate, + center=center, + scale=scale, + font=font,size=size, + spacing=spacing, + direction=direction, + language=language,script=script,halign=halign,valign=valign, + extrusion_height=extrusion_height*2 //Make it proud to clip it off. + ); + + //Shell - bounding inner and outer + difference() + { //rounded outside + sphere(r+extrusion_height); + // rounded inside for indented text + sphere( r ); + } + + } + } + } +} + +//internal function -- don't call directly +//No default checks in this funciton -- done in parent +module __internal_text_on_sphere_helper(t=default_t, + //Object-specific + r, + //All objects + extrusion_height = default_extrusion_height, + center = default_center, + scale = default_scale, + //All objects -- arguments as for text() + font = undef, + size = default_size, + direction = undef, + //halign = undef, + //valign = undef, + language = undef, + script = undef, + spacing = default_spacing +) +{ + assign( rtl_sign = (direction=="rtl") ? (-1) : (1) ) + assign( ttb_btt_inaction = (direction=="ttb" || direction=="btt") ? (0) : (1) ) + assign( ttb_btt_action = (direction=="ttb" || direction=="btt") ? (1) : (0) ) + + for (l=[0:len(t)-1]){ + assign( rotate_z_inner = -90 + rtl_sign * ttb_btt_inaction * l * rotation_for_character(size, spacing, r, 0) ) + + rotate( rotate_z_inner, [0,0,1] ) + assign( translate_sign = (direction=="ttb" || direction=="btt") ? ( ((direction=="btt")?(1):(-1)) ) : ( 0 ) ) + //assign( translate_effect = (direction=="ttb" || direction=="btt") ? (1) : ( 0 ) ) + //Translate letter to be located on the sphere in up/down direction when we are doing TTB and BTT + translate(r * [cos(0 + ttb_btt_action * rotation_for_character(size, spacing, r, rotate) * l ), 0, translate_sign * ttb_btt_action * sin(0 + rotation_for_character(size, spacing, r, rotate) * l ) ]) + //Rotate letter to be tangential to the new part of the sphere when we are doing TTB and BTT + rotate(-90 * translate_sign * (0 + ttb_btt_action * rotation_for_character(size, spacing, r, rotate) * l )/90 , [0,1,0]) + //Flip character into position to be flush against sphere + rotate(90,[1,0,0]) + rotate(90,[0,1,0]) + + //Modify the offset of the baselined text to center + translate([0,(center)?(-size/2):(0),0]) + + text_extrude(t[l], + center=false, + rotate=rotate, + scale=scale, + font=font, + size=size, + spacing=spacing, + direction=undef, //We don't pass direction ( misaligns inside text() ). TODO: Investigate why + language=language,script=script, + halign="center", //This can be relaxed eventually + valign="baseline", //Need this to keep all letters on the same line (could also support top -- otherw will make wonky letters) + extrusion_height=extrusion_height ); + } +} + + + +//cube(size) +//cube([width,h,depth]) +//NB: cube_size is used instead of size (the name size is used in the text module) +//NB: Passes through text as strings -- supports all features of text() +module text_on_cube( t=default_t, + //Object-specific + cube_size, //number or 3-vector + face = default_cube_face, + rightleft = default_cube_rightleft, + updown = default_cube_updown, + //All objects + locn_vec = [0,0,0], + extrusion_height = default_extrusion_height, + center = undef, + rotate = default_rotate, + scale = default_scale, + //All objects -- arguments as for text() + font = undef, + size = default_size, + direction = undef, + halign = undef, + valign = undef, + language = undef, + script = undef, + spacing = default_spacing +){ + //echo (str("text_on_cube:","There are " ,len(t) ," letters in t" , t)); + //echo (str("text_on_cube:","cube_size" , cube_size)); + + if((halign!=undef) || (halign!=undef)) + { + echo (str("text_on_cube:","WARNING " , "halign and valign are NOT supported.")); + } + + assign( int_cube_size = (str(cube_size)[0] != "[")?([cube_size,cube_size,cube_size]):(cube_size) ) + assign( + rotate_x = ((face=="front") || (face=="back") || (face=="left") || (face=="right"))?(90) + :( (face=="bottom")?(180):(0) ) //Top is zero + ) + assign( + rotate_y = ( (face=="back") || (face=="left") || (face=="right")) + ?((face=="back")?(180) + :( ((face=="left")?(-90):(90)) ) //Right is 90 + ) + :(0) //Top, bottom, front are zero + ) + assign( + locn_vec_offset = + (face=="front")?( [+rightleft, -int_cube_size[1]/2,+updown] ) + :( (face=="back")?( [+rightleft, +int_cube_size[1]/2,+updown] ) + :( (face=="left")?( [-int_cube_size[0]/2,+rightleft, +updown] ) + :( (face=="right")?( [+int_cube_size[0]/2,+rightleft, +updown] ) + :( (face=="top")?( [+rightleft, +updown, +int_cube_size[2]/2] ) + :( [+rightleft, -updown, -int_cube_size[2]/2] ) ) ) ) //bottom + ) + ) + { + translate(locn_vec + locn_vec_offset) + rotate(rotate_x,[1,0,0]) + rotate(rotate_y,[0,1,0]) // rotate around the y axis (z before rotation) + text_extrude(t, + center=center, + rotate=rotate, + scale=scale, + font=font, + size=size, + spacing=spacing, + direction=direction, //Does this misalign inside text()? the individual character modules do. + language=language, + script=script, + halign=halign, + valign=valign, + extrusion_height=extrusion_height ); + } +} + +function default_if_undef(val, default_val) = (val!=undef?val:default_val); + +//Print a single character or a string at the desired extrusion height +//Passes on values to text() that are passed in +//TODO: Add x,y,z rotations get text facing the right way from the start) +module text_extrude( t=default_t, + extrusion_height = default_extrusion_height, + center = default_center, //Fudgy. YMMV. //TODO:center_extrusion, or extrusion offset?? + rotate = default_rotate, + scale = default_scale, //For scaling by different on axes (for widening etc) + //Following are test() params (in addition to t=) + font = default_font, + size = default_size, + direction = undef, + halign = undef, + valign = undef, + language = undef, + script = undef, + spacing = default_spacing +) +{ + //echo (str("text_extrude:","There are " ,len(t) ," letters in text" , t)); + //echo (str("text_extrude:","extrusion_height=" , extrusion_height)); + + if(center==true) + { + if((halign!=undef) || (halign!=undef)) + { + echo (str("text_extrude:","WARNING " , "When center is true, then halign and valign are NOT supported.")); + } + } + + //As arguments are explicitly set as undef (from higher functions) as they come down (they don't get defaults in this function as they are set as something) + //we need to check and replace any that we don't want to be undef + assign( t = default_if_undef(t,default_t) ) + assign( font = default_if_undef(font,default_font) ) + assign( extrusion_height = default_if_undef(extrusion_height,default_extrusion_height) ) + assign( center = default_if_undef(center,default_center) ) + assign( rotate = default_if_undef(rotate,default_rotate) ) + assign( spacing = default_if_undef(spacing,default_spacing) ) + assign( size = default_if_undef(size,default_size) ) + + assign( halign = (center)?("center"):(halign) ) + assign( valign = (center)?("center"):(valign) ) + assign( extrusion_center = (center)?(true):(false) ) + + scale( scale ) + rotate(rotate,[0,0,-1]) //TODO: Do we want to make this so that the entire vector can be set? + { + linear_extrude(height=extrusion_height,convexity=10,center=extrusion_center) + text(text=t, size = size, + $fn = 40, + font = font, direction = direction, spacing = spacing, + halign = halign, + valign = valign, + language=language, script=script); + } +} + diff --git a/Openscad version/tourjeannedarc.scad b/Openscad version/tourjeannedarc.scad index 0b744e4..b101d74 100644 --- a/Openscad version/tourjeannedarc.scad +++ b/Openscad version/tourjeannedarc.scad @@ -1,6 +1,8 @@ - $fn=100; +use +$fn=100; module tourjeannedarc() {difference(){ +{difference(){ union(){cylinder(h=50,r=20,center= true); translate([0, 0, 10]) cylinder(h = 30, r2 = 25, center = true); @@ -15,7 +17,11 @@ cube([5,5,7]); } translate([0,0,-10]) rotate([90, 0, 0]) -cylinder(h=100,r=5,center= true);} +cylinder(h=100,r=5,center= true); +}} +text_on_cylinder(t="Jeanne d'Hack",locn_vec=[0,0,0],r=20,h=-15,eastwest=90,direction="Jeanne d'Hack",updown=10,size=8); + +} } tourjeannedarc();