/* * OpenSCAD 2D Shapes Library (www.openscad.org) * Copyright (C) 2012 Peter Uithoven * * License: LGPL 2.1 or later */ // 2D Shapes //ngon(sides, radius, center=false); //complexRoundSquare(size,rads1=[0,0], rads2=[0,0], rads3=[0,0], rads4=[0,0], center=true) //roundedSquare(pos=[10,10],r=2) //ellipsePart(width,height,numQuarters) //donutSlice(innerSize,outerSize, start_angle, end_angle) //pieSlice(size, start_angle, end_angle) //size in radius(es) //ellipse(width, height) { // Examples /*use ; grid(105,105,true,4) { // ellipse ellipse(50,75); // part of ellipse (a number of quarters) ellipsePart(50,75,3); ellipsePart(50,75,2); ellipsePart(50,75,1); // complexRoundSquare examples complexRoundSquare([75,100],[20,10],[20,10],[20,10],[20,10]); complexRoundSquare([75,100],[0,0],[0,0],[30,50],[20,10]); complexRoundSquare([50,50],[10,20],[10,20],[10,20],[10,20],false); complexRoundSquare([100,100]); complexRoundSquare([100,100],rads1=[20,20],rads3=[20,20]); // pie slice pieSlice(50,0,10); pieSlice(50,45,190); pieSlice([50,20],180,270); // donut slice donutSlice(20,50,0,350); donutSlice(30,50,190,270); donutSlice([40,22],[50,30],180,270); donutSlice([50,20],50,180,270); donutSlice([20,30],[50,40],0,270); }*/ //---------------------- // size, top left radius, top right radius, bottom right radius, bottom left radius, center module complexRoundSquare(size,rads1=[0,0], rads2=[0,0], rads3=[0,0], rads4=[0,0], center=true) { width = size[0]; height = size[1]; //%square(size=[width, height],center=true); x1 = 0-width/2+rads1[0]; y1 = 0-height/2+rads1[1]; x2 = width/2-rads2[0]; y2 = 0-height/2+rads2[1]; x3 = width/2-rads3[0]; y3 = height/2-rads3[1]; x4 = 0-width/2+rads4[0]; y4 = height/2-rads4[1]; scs = 0.1; //straight corner size x = (center)? 0: width/2; y = (center)? 0: height/2; translate([x,y,0]) { hull() { // top left if(rads1[0] > 0 && rads1[1] > 0) translate([x1,y1]) mirror([1,0]) ellipsePart(rads1[0]*2,rads1[1]*2,1); else translate([x1,y1]) square(size=[scs, scs]); // top right if(rads2[0] > 0 && rads2[1] > 0) translate([x2,y2]) ellipsePart(rads2[0]*2,rads2[1]*2,1); else translate([width/2-scs,0-height/2]) square(size=[scs, scs]); // bottom right if(rads3[0] > 0 && rads3[1] > 0) translate([x3,y3]) mirror([0,1]) ellipsePart(rads3[0]*2,rads3[1]*2,1); else translate([width/2-scs,height/2-scs]) square(size=[scs, scs]); // bottom left if(rads4[0] > 0 && rads4[1] > 0) translate([x4,y4]) rotate([0,0,-180]) ellipsePart(rads4[0]*2,rads4[1]*2,1); else #translate([x4,height/2-scs]) square(size=[scs, scs]); } } } module roundedSquare(pos=[10,10],r=2) { minkowski() { square([pos[0]-r*2,pos[1]-r*2],center=true); circle(r=r); } } // round shapes // The orientation might change with the implementation of circle... module ngon(sides, radius, center=false){ rotate([0, 0, 360/sides/2]) circle(r=radius, $fn=sides, center=center); } module ellipsePart(width,height,numQuarters) { o = 1; //slight overlap to fix a bug difference() { ellipse(width,height); if(numQuarters <= 3) translate([0-width/2-o,0-height/2-o,0]) square([width/2+o,height/2+o]); if(numQuarters <= 2) translate([0-width/2-o,-o,0]) square([width/2+o,height/2+o*2]); if(numQuarters < 2) translate([-o,0,0]) square([width/2+o*2,height/2+o]); } } module donutSlice(innerSize,outerSize, start_angle, end_angle) { difference() { pieSlice(outerSize, start_angle, end_angle); if(len(innerSize) > 1) ellipse(innerSize[0]*2,innerSize[1]*2); else circle(innerSize); } } module pieSlice(size, start_angle, end_angle) //size in radius(es) { rx = ((len(size) > 1)? size[0] : size); ry = ((len(size) > 1)? size[1] : size); trx = rx* sqrt(2) + 1; try = ry* sqrt(2) + 1; a0 = (4 * start_angle + 0 * end_angle) / 4; a1 = (3 * start_angle + 1 * end_angle) / 4; a2 = (2 * start_angle + 2 * end_angle) / 4; a3 = (1 * start_angle + 3 * end_angle) / 4; a4 = (0 * start_angle + 4 * end_angle) / 4; if(end_angle > start_angle) intersection() { if(len(size) > 1) ellipse(rx*2,ry*2); else circle(rx); polygon([ [0,0], [trx * cos(a0), try * sin(a0)], [trx * cos(a1), try * sin(a1)], [trx * cos(a2), try * sin(a2)], [trx * cos(a3), try * sin(a3)], [trx * cos(a4), try * sin(a4)], [0,0] ]); } } module ellipse(width, height) { scale([1, height/width, 1]) circle(r=width/2); }