/* Parametric letters for for a necklace Elmo Mäntynen LGPL 2.1 */ use // change chars array and char_count // OpenSCAD has no string or length methods :( chars = ["M","a","k","e","r","B","o","t"]; char_count = 8; // block size 1 will result in 8mm per letter block_size = 2; // height is the Z height of each letter height = 3; //Hole for the necklace hole_diameter = 5; module 8bit_str(chars, char_count, block_size, height) { echo(str("Total Width: ", block_size * 8 * char_count, "mm")); union() { for (count = [0:char_count-1]) { translate(v = [0, count * block_size * 8, 0]) { 8bit_char(chars[count], block_size, height); } } } } module letter(char, block_size, height, hole_diameter) { union() { translate(v = [0,0, hole_diameter*1.3]) { 8bit_char(char, block_size, height); } translate(v = [0,0,(hole_diameter*1.3)/2]) { color([0,0,1,1]) { difference() { cube(size = [block_size * 8, block_size * 8, hole_diameter+2], center = true); rotate([90, 0, 0]) cylinder(h = block_size * 8 + 1, r = hole_diameter/2, center = true); } } } } } matrix = [["O", "L", "E", "N", "S"], [ "Y", "OE", "N", "Y", "T"]]; union() { for (column = [0:1]) { for (row = [0:4]) { translate(v=[column*(block_size*1.1)*8, row*(block_size*1.1)*8, 0]) letter(matrix[column][row], block_size, height, hole_diameter); } } }