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linear_extrude (height=3)
import (file="piece_coin.dxf", layer="piececoin2", $fn=100);
linear_extrude (height=38)
import (file="piece_coin.dxf", layer="piececoin", $fn=100);
translate([-10, 22, 20.5])rotate ([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(r=1.5, h=60, $fn=50);
translate([30, -12, 20.5]) rotate ([0, 90, 30]) cylinder(r=1.5, h=60, $fn=50);
translate([-50, 18, 20.5]) rotate ([0, 90, -30]) cylinder(r=1.5, h=60, $fn=50);
translate([40, -32, 20.5]) rotate ([0, 90, 30]) cylinder(r=1.5, h=60, $fn=50);
translate([-60, -2, 20.5]) rotate ([0, 90, -30]) cylinder(r=1.5, h=60, $fn=50);
translate([15.1, -2, 20.5]) rotate ([270, 0,0 ]) cylinder(r=1.5, h=60, $fn=50);
translate([15.1, 45, 20.5]) rotate ([270, 0,0 ]) cylinder(r=5, h=12, $fn=50);
translate([15.1, -26, 20.5]) rotate ([270, 0,0 ]) #cylinder(r=5, h=12, $fn=50);