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for these examples, assume we have the cube:
-----------------------text where and size--------------------------------
The values for text=, where= and size= are required, but if the
values are entered in this order, then the commands are not
required. These three examples produce the same results.
writecube(text="text", where=[10,20,30], size=[30,30,30]);
writecube("text",[10,20,30], [30,30,30]);
text="whatever text you want to write"
where= the center coordinates of the box
size = size of box. Either [xsize,ysize,zsize] or just size if its square
----------------------------face = ----------------------------------------
By default, writecube will write on the front of the box assuming
x=left to right, y=front to back, z=bottom to top
to write on another side, use face="top","bottom","back","front",
"left" or "right"
will print Howdy!! on the center left of the box.
-------------------- left, right, up, down---------------------------------
If you dont want it centered, use left=mm or up=mm or down...
These commands move the text along the plane in the givin
direction (in relation to the unrotated text) in specified milimeters.
will write HI!! 5mm away from you along the top plane of the box
------------------------------- rotate -----------------------------------
You say you dont want the text aligned with the sides?
rotate = angle will fix that for you. It rotates the text clockwise
along the plane of the text.
------------------------- text size and thickness -----------------------
t=how thick the text will be
h=height of the font or fontsize
if not specified, the text will be 4mm tall (upper case)
and 1mm thick. (half inside and half outside the cube)
writecube("Hello!!",[10,20,30],30,face="right", t=2,h=4);
will write Hello!! on the right side of the cube with 1mm sticking out
Keep in mind, if a font is 2mm thick, 1mm will be inside the cube
or if its 4mm, 2mm will be inside.
// press f5 to see transparent cube.. remove % from cube otherwise
% cube(30,center=true);
writecube("Hello!!",[10,20,30],30,face="right", t=2,h=6);