Merge pull request #1 from jeannedhack/add-moul

Add moul
This commit is contained in:
Manfred Touron 2015-10-18 01:33:36 +02:00
commit b27151efe1
5 changed files with 168 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
package witap
import (
type Resolver struct {
Lines []string
type Position struct{ X, Y int }
func (p *Position) Up() Position { return Position{X: p.X, Y: p.Y - 1} }
func (p *Position) Down() Position { return Position{X: p.X, Y: p.Y + 1} }
func (p *Position) Left() Position { return Position{X: p.X - 1, Y: p.Y} }
func (p *Position) Right() Position { return Position{X: p.X + 1, Y: p.Y} }
func NewResolverFromString(theMap string) Resolver {
return Resolver{
Lines: strings.Split(theMap, "\n"),
func (r *Resolver) GetStartPosition() (Position, error) {
for y, line := range r.Lines {
if pos := strings.Index(line, "S"); pos != -1 {
return Position{pos, y}, nil
return Position{-1, -1}, fmt.Errorf("No such starting point")
func (r *Resolver) Run() (string, error) {
startPos, err := r.GetStartPosition()
if err != nil {
return "", err
return r.Step(startPos, Position{-1, -1})
func (r *Resolver) PrintMap() {
fmt.Println(strings.Join(r.Lines, "\n"))
func (p *Position) Continue(lastPos Position) Position {
return Position{
X: 2*p.X - lastPos.X,
Y: 2*p.Y - lastPos.Y,
func (r *Resolver) GetChar(position Position) string {
return string(r.Lines[position.Y][position.X])
func (p *Position) AllDirections() []Position {
return []Position{
p.Up(), p.Down(), p.Left(), p.Right(),
func (r *Resolver) Step(curPos, lastPos Position) (string, error) {
if curPos.X < 0 || curPos.Y < 0 || curPos.Y >= len(r.Lines) || curPos.X >= len(r.Lines[curPos.Y]) {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Invalid position")
letter := r.GetChar(curPos)
if letter == "S" && lastPos.X != -1 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("S must be the first position")
} else if letter == "+" && lastPos.X == -1 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Cannot do this symbol after a start")
switch letter {
case "S", "+":
for _, nextPos := range curPos.AllDirections() {
if nextPos == lastPos {
letter, err := r.Step(nextPos, curPos)
if err == nil {
return letter, err
return "", fmt.Errorf("Nothing to do, cannot continue")
case "-", "|":
return r.Step(curPos.Continue(lastPos), curPos)
case "V":
return r.Step(curPos.Down(), curPos)
case ">":
return r.Step(curPos.Right(), curPos)
case "<":
return r.Step(curPos.Left(), curPos)
case "^":
return r.Step(curPos.Up(), curPos)
case " ":
return "", fmt.Errorf("Invalid path, cannot continue")
return letter, nil

View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
package witap
import (
. ""
var inputs = []string{
d S------+ b
c +--->a
`, `
`, `
a S s
| |
b c
`, `
d s<+S+--V
||| Q
`, `
d s-+ +-S +--+
+-->b | | |
| | +--+ |
+--+ A<----+
`, `
| +-^
var outputs = []string{
"a", "b", "b", "Q", "A", "B",
func ExampleResolver_a() {
resolver := NewResolverFromString(inputs[0])
// fixme: add output
func TestResolver(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Testing resolver", t, func() {
for idx, input := range inputs {
Convey(fmt.Sprintf("input %d", idx+1), func() {
resolver := NewResolverFromString(input[1 : len(input)-1])
output, err := resolver.Run()
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(output, ShouldEqual, outputs[idx])