Gnieark 7 years ago
parent 033ce08abb
commit 7a81109006

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Ce module permet de la coloration syntaxique lors de la citation de codes dans u
# Code tiers
Minifier class was made by Tedious BSD License.
# Modifications apportées par ce Fork:
# Modifications apportées:
Le plugin Yash insère plusieurs appels à des scripts javascripts, et ajoute des variables JS dans le footer de la page.
Yash3 concatène tout ça pour ne mettre qu'un seul script en référence.
@ -27,4 +27,4 @@ Les noms de fichiers (css et js) générés sont incrémentés à chaque modific
# Installation
Installez ce plugin en copiant l'url suivante directement dans l'interface de Dotclear pour l'installer.
Pensez à désactiver le plugin yash si vous l'aviez installé.
Pensez à désactiver le plugin yash si vous l'aviez installé.

@ -31,4 +31,4 @@ $_menu['Blog']->addItem(__('YASH3'),

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ if (is_null($core->blog->settings->yash3->yash3_active)) {
// Getting current parameters
$active = (boolean)$core->blog->settings->yash3->yash3_active;
$theme = (string)$core->blog->settings->yash3->yash3_theme;
$custom_css = (string)$core->blog->settings->yash3->yash3_custom_css;
$customCss = (string)$core->blog->settings->yash3->yash3_custom_css;
if (!empty($_REQUEST['popup'])) {
$yash3_brushes = array(
@ -105,10 +105,10 @@ if (!empty($_POST['saveconfig'])) {
$active = (empty($_POST['active'])) ? false : true;
$theme = (empty($_POST['theme'])) ? 'Default' : $_POST['theme'];
$custom_css = (empty($_POST['custom_css'])) ? '' : html::sanitizeURL($_POST['custom_css']);
$customCss = (empty($_POST['customCss'])) ? '' : $_POST['customCss'];
$new_concat_version = (integer)$core->blog->settings->yash3->yash3_concat_version + 1;
@ -166,11 +166,11 @@ if (!empty($_POST['saveconfig'])) {
// Remove comments
//$fContent = preg_replace('!/\*[^*]*\*+([^/][^*]*\*+)*/!', '', $fContent);
$fContent = preg_replace('!/\*[^*]*\*+([^/][^*]*\*+)*/!', '', $fContent);
// Remove space after colons
//$fContent = str_replace(': ', ':', $fContent);
$fContent = str_replace(': ', ':', $fContent);
// Remove whitespace
//$fContent = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n", "\t", ' ', ' ', ' '), '', $fContent);
$fContent = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n", "\t", ' ', ' ', ' '), '', $fContent);
//create the file
file_put_contents( $cssFutureFileRealPath, $fContent );
@ -208,6 +208,23 @@ if (!empty($_POST['saveconfig'])) {
<title><?php echo __('YASH3'); ?></title>
<script type="text/javascript">
//I hate jquery
@ -220,18 +237,19 @@ if (!empty($_POST['saveconfig'])) {
echo dcPage::notices();
$combo_theme = array(
__('Default') => 'Default',
__('Django') => 'Django',
__('Eclipse') => 'Eclipse',
__('Emacs') => 'Emacs',
__('Fade to gray') => 'FadeToGrey',
__('Material') => 'Material',
__('MD Ultra') => 'MDUltra',
__('Midnight') => 'Midnight',
__('RDark') => 'RDark',
__('Solarized Dark') => 'SolarizedDark',
__('Solarized Light') => 'SolarizedLight',
__('Tomorrow Night') => 'TomorrowNight'
__('Default') => 'Default',
__('Css personnalisé') => 'Custom',
__('Django') => 'Django',
__('Eclipse') => 'Eclipse',
__('Emacs') => 'Emacs',
__('Fade to gray') => 'FadeToGrey',
__('Material') => 'Material',
__('MD Ultra') => 'MDUltra',
__('Midnight') => 'Midnight',
__('RDark') => 'RDark',
__('Solarized Dark') => 'SolarizedDark',
__('Solarized Light') => 'SolarizedLight',
__('Tomorrow Night') => 'TomorrowNight'
@ -246,13 +264,12 @@ $combo_theme = array(
<p class="field"><label for="theme" class="classic"><?php echo __('Theme:'); ?> </label>
<?php echo form::combo('theme',$combo_theme,$theme); ?>
<p class="field">
<p class="field hidden">
<label for="custom_css" class="classic"><?php echo __('Use custom CSS:') ; ?> </label>
<?php echo form::field('custom_css',40,128,$custom_css); ?>
<?php echo form::textarea('customCss',80,20, $customCss); ?>
<p class="info">
<?php echo __('You can use a custom CSS by providing its location.'); ?><br />
<?php echo __('A location beginning with a / is treated as absolute, else it is treated as relative to the blog\'s current theme URL'); ?>
<?php echo __('You can use a custom CSS. Paste it on the textarea'); ?>
<p><input type="hidden" name="p" value="yash3" />
@ -261,6 +278,5 @@ $combo_theme = array(