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class User
protected $is_connected = false;
protected $login;
protected $external_id; //the user's ID on the external auth system (Object SID on LDAP)
protected $id; //the internal id to store locally user's datas
protected $display_name;
protected $auth_method;
protected $is_admin = false;
protected $groups = null;
protected $db;
public function __sleep(){
return array('is_connected','external_id','id','display_name','auth_method','groups','is_admin','login');
public function get_display_name()
return $this->display_name;
public function get_id($force = false)
if($this->is_connected || $force){
return $this->id;
return false;
public function is_admin(){
return $this->is_admin;
public function is_connected()
return $this->is_connected;
public function get_auth_method()
return $this->auth_method;
return false;
public function load_groups()
$this->groups = array();
$tableUsers = User_Manager::get_table_users_str();
$tableGroups = User_Manager::get_table_groups_str();
$tableRel = $tableUsers . "_" . $tableGroups ." _rel";
$sql = "
$tableRel.group_id as id,
$ as name
$tableRel, $tableGroups
WHERE $tableRel.group_id = $
AND $tableRel.user_id=:user_id;
$rs = $this->$db->prepare($sql);
$rs->execute( array(":id" => $this->get_id()) );
$groups = $rs->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
foreach($groups as $group)
$this->groups[ $group["id"] ] = $group["name"];
public function get_groups($forceRefresh = false)
if(is_null($this->groups) || $forceRefresh) {
//les groupes n'ont pas été initialisés pour cet user
return $this->groups;
public function set_db(PDO $db){
$this->db = $db;
public function __construct(PDO $db){
$this->db = $db;
public function set_properties($properties)
$setableProperties = array("login","external_id","id","display_name","auth_method","is_admin","groups");
foreach ($setableProperties as $setableProperty){
$this->$setableProperty = $properties[$setableProperty];
return $this;