Initial Fork

This commit is contained in:
gnieark 2017-03-29 22:49:38 +02:00
parent 284d9760fd
commit 5255480a2f
32 changed files with 2207 additions and 0 deletions

CHANGELOG Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
Version 1.0.1
- change for #sidebar h3
Version 1.0.2 (never released)
- smaller changes on the occasion of Dotclear 2.7
Version 1.0.3
- DIV tag fix for dc-tag.html, dc-category.html, and dc-home.html on the occasion of Dotclear 2.7
- change for #top in case of using a background picture
Version 1.0.4
- .post-info-co fix for dc-tag.html, dc-category.html, dc-search and dc-home.html
Version 1.0.5
- pings_count Genericon correction
Version 2.0.0
- complete overhaul of template files
- compatible with new template since Dotclear 2.9
- iOS10 Safari bug footer width
Version 2.0.1
- img {max-width:100%;} moved from @media (max-width: 600px) to HTML

_define.php Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
/* -- BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ---------------------------------------
This is part of theme Fialla for Dotclear 2 blog
# Copyright (c) 2014
# Licensed under the GPL version 2.0 license.
# See LICENSE file or
# -- END LICENSE BLOCK -----------------------------------------*/
/* Name */ "Fjalla",
/* Description*/ "A responsive Dotclear theme",
/* Author */ "ben_griffith",
/* Version */ '2.0.1'

fonts/Arimo-Regular.ttf Normal file

Binary file not shown.

fonts/FjallaOne-Regular.ttf Normal file

Binary file not shown.

fonts/Genericons.eot Normal file

Binary file not shown.

fonts/Genericons.svg Normal file
View File

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tpl/archive_month.html Normal file
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title="{{tpl:lang Continue reading}} {{tpl:EntryTitle encode_html="1"}}">{{tpl:lang Continue
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title="{{tpl:lang Continue reading}} {{tpl:EntryTitle encode_html="1"}}">{{tpl:lang Continue
reading}}</a><span class="readmore-ellipsis">...</span></p>
<!-- # Entry without excerpt -->
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<!-- # --BEHAVIOR-- publicEntryAfterContent -->
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{{tpl:lang previous entries}}</a> - </tpl:PaginationIf>
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tpl/home.html Normal file
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tpl/page.html Normal file
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<h3>{{tpl:lang Comments}}</h3>
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href="#c{{tpl:CommentID}}" class="comment-number">{{tpl:CommentOrderNumber}}.</a>
{{tpl:lang On}} {{tpl:CommentDate}}, {{tpl:CommentTime}}
{{tpl:lang by}} {{tpl:CommentAuthorLink}}</dt>
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<p class="error" id="pr">{{tpl:SysFormError}}</p>
<p class="message" id="pr">{{tpl:lang Your comment has been published.}}</p>
<p class="message" id="pr">{{tpl:lang Your comment has been submitted and
will be reviewed for publication.}}</p>
<!-- # Comment form -->
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<div id="pr">
<h3>{{tpl:lang Your comment}}</h3>
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<h3>{{tpl:lang Add a comment}}</h3>
<!-- # --BEHAVIOR-- publicCommentFormBeforeContent -->
{{tpl:SysBehavior behavior="publicCommentFormBeforeContent"}}
<p class="field"><label for="c_name">{{tpl:lang Name or nickname}}&nbsp;:</label>
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value="{{tpl:CommentPreviewName encode_html="1"}}" />
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value="{{tpl:CommentPreviewEmail encode_html="1"}}" />
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value="{{tpl:CommentPreviewSite encode_html="1"}}" />
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rows="7">{{tpl:CommentPreviewContent raw="1" encode_html="1"}}</textarea>
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<!-- # Trackbacks -->
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<h3>{{tpl:lang They posted on the same topic}}</h3>
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{{tpl:lang On}} {{tpl:PingDate}}, {{tpl:PingTime}}
{{tpl:lang by}} {{tpl:PingBlogName encode_html="1"}}</dt>
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