<?php /* Bot for connectfour https://botsarena.tinad.fr/connectFour by Gnieark https://blog-du-grouik.tinad.fr/ june 2016 GNU GPL License +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ 5 | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ 4 | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ 3 | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ 2 | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ 1 | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ 0 | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 */ header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST'); header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept'); function can_win($line,$myChar,$depth=0){ //retourne la position du caractere a remplacer dans la ligne pour gagner $arr=array(); if($depth == 0){ if (strpos($line,"+".$myChar.$myChar.$myChar) !== false ){ $arr[] = strpos($line,"+".$myChar.$myChar.$myChar); } if (strpos($line,$myChar."+".$myChar.$myChar) !== false ){ $arr[] = strpos($line,$myChar."+".$myChar.$myChar) + 1; } if (strpos($line,$myChar.$myChar."+".$myChar) !== false ){ $arr[] = strpos($line,$myChar.$myChar."+".$myChar) + 2; } if (strpos($line,$myChar.$myChar.$myChar."+") !== false ){ $arr[] = strpos($line,$myChar.$myChar.$myChar."+") + 3; } }else{ if (strpos($line,"+".$myChar.$myChar."+") !== false ){ $arr[] = strpos($line,"+".$myChar.$myChar."+"); $arr[] = strpos($line,"+".$myChar.$myChar."+") + 3; } if (strpos($line,"+".$myChar."+".$myChar) !== false ){ $arr[] = strpos($line,"+".$myChar."+".$myChar); $arr[] = strpos($line,"+".$myChar."+".$myChar) + 2; } if (strpos($line,$myChar."+".$myChar."+") !== false ){ $arr[] = strpos($line,$myChar."+".$myChar."+") + 1; $arr[] = strpos($line,$myChar."+".$myChar."+") + 3; } } return $arr; } function can_loose($line,$hisChar,$depth=0){ //je pourrai perdre aux 2 prochains tours de jeu // retourne la place du caractere à remplacer pour éviter ça $arr=array(); if ($depth == 0){ if (strpos($line,"+".$hisChar.$hisChar.$hisChar) !== false ){ $arr[] = strpos($line,"+".$hisChar.$hisChar.$hisChar); } if (strpos($line,$hisChar."+".$hisChar.$hisChar) !== false ){ $arr[] = strpos($line,$hisChar."+".$hisChar.$hisChar) + 1; } if (strpos($line,$hisChar.$hisChar."+".$hisChar) !== false ){ $arr[] = strpos($line,$hisChar.$hisChar."+".$hisChar) + 2; } if (strpos($line,$hisChar.$hisChar.$hisChar."+") !== false ){ $arr[] = strpos($line,$hisChar.$hisChar.$hisChar."+") + 3; } }else{ if (strpos($line,"+".$hisChar.$hisChar."+") !== false ){ $arr[] = strpos($line,"+".$hisChar.$hisChar."+"); $arr[] = strpos($line,"+".$hisChar.$hisChar."+") +3; } if(strpos($line,"+".$hisChar."+".$hisChar."+") !== false ){ $arr[] = strpos($line,"+".$hisChar."+".$hisChar."+"); $arr[] = strpos($line,"+".$hisChar."+".$hisChar."+") + 2; $arr[] = strpos($line,"+".$hisChar."+".$hisChar."+") + 4; } } return $arr; } function array_merge_and_increment_rigth ($arr1,$arr2,$incr){ foreach($arr2 as $v){ $arr1[] = $v + $incr; } return $arr1; } function analize($line,$me,$opponent,$isVertical,$decalageX){ /* * Etudie les lignes fournies * Joue si une case est gagnante * Sinon, "peuple" des variables * qui permettront de prendre une décision */ static $colForNoLose = array(); static $colForNoLose1 = array(); static $canWinDepth1 = array(); if(count(can_win($line,$me,0)) > 0){ if($isVertical){ echo '{"play":'.$decalageX.'}'; }else{ echo '{"play":'.(can_win($line,$me,0)[0] + $decalageX).'}'; } die; } if (count(can_loose($line,$opponent,0)) > 0){ if($isVertical){ $colForNoLose[] = $decalageX; }else{ $colForNoLose = array_merge_and_increment_rigth($colForNoLose ,can_loose($line,$opponent,0),$decalageX); } } if (count(can_loose($line,$opponent,1)) > 0 ){ if($isVertical){ $colForNoLose1[] = $decalageX; }else{ $colForNoLose1 = array_merge_and_increment_rigth($colForNoLose1 ,can_loose($line,$opponent,1),$decalageX); } } if(count(can_win($line,$opponent,1)) > 0){ if($isVertical){ $canWinDepth1[] = $decalageX; }else{ $canWinDepth1= array_merge_and_increment_rigth($canWinDepth1, can_win($line,$me,1), $decalageX); } } return array( 'colForNoLose' => $colForNoLose, 'colForNoLose1' => $colForNoLose1, 'canWinDepth1' => $canWinDepth1 ); } function should_opponent_win_if_i_play_at($map,$me,$opponent,$colToPlay){ //j'ouvre l'a possibilité à l'adversaire de jouer au dessus de mon pion // est-ce une connerie? if(($map[4][$colToPlay] == $me) OR ($map[4][$colToPlay] == $opponent)){ //top of the grid return false; } for($y = 0; (($map[$y][$colToPlay] <> "+") && ($map[$y][$colToPlay] <> "-")); $y++){ } $map[$y][$colToPlay] = $me; $map[$y +1][$colToPlay] = "$opponent"; $y++; if(isset($map[$y +1][$colToPlay])){ $map[$y +1][$colToPlay] = "+"; } //tester les lignes qui passent pas $y+1,$colToPlay $loseStr = $opponent.$opponent.$opponent.$opponent; //horizontale $line=""; for($x=0; $x < 7; $x++){ $line.=$map[$y][$x]; } if(strpos($line,$loseStr) !== false){ return true; } //diagonal / $line=""; if($colToPlay > $y){ $kx=$colToPlay - $y; $ky = 0; }else{ $kx = 0; $ky = $y - $colToPlay; } while(isset($map[$ky][$kx])){ $line.=$map[$ky][$kx]; $kx++; $ky++; } if(strpos($line,$loseStr) !== false){ return true; } //diagional \ $line = ""; $kx = $colToPlay; $ky = $y; while(isset($map[$ky -1][$kx +1])){ $kx++; $ky--; } while(isset($map[$ky][$kx])){ $line.=$map[$ky][$kx]; $kx--; $ky++; } if(strpos($line,$loseStr) !== false){ return true; } return false; } //replace "" by " ", it will simplify my code. $in=str_replace('""','"-"',file_get_contents('php://input')); $params=json_decode($in, TRUE); switch($params['action']){ case "init": echo '{"name":"Gnieark"}'; break; case "play-turn": //find $opponent and clean grid for($x = 0; $x < 7 ; $x++){ for($y = 0; $y < 6 ; $y++){ //find opponent if(($params['board'][$y][$x] <> "-" ) && ($params['board'][$y][$x] <> $params['you'] )){ $opponent= $params['board'][$y][$x]; } //tester si la case est jouable (s'il y a un support en dessous) if ($params['board'][$y][$x] == "-" ){ //AND (($y==0) OR ($params['board'][$y - 1][$x] !== "-")) //){ //la case est jouable, je la marque par un "+" if($y == 0){ $params['board'][$y][$x] = "+"; }elseif(($params['board'][$y -1 ][$x] !== "-") AND ($params['board'][$y -1 ][$x] !== "+")){ $params['board'][$y][$x] = "+"; }else{} } } } if((!isset($opponent)) && ($params['you'] == "X")){ $opponent="O"; }elseif(!isset($opponent)){ $opponent="X"; } //transformer la grille en lignes horizontales, verticales et diagonales //verticales for($x = 0; $x <7; $x ++){ $colStr=""; for($y = 0; $y <6; $y ++){ $colStr.= $params['board'][$y][$x]; } $choice = analize($colStr,$params['you'],$opponent,true,$x); } //horizontales for($y = 0; $y <6; $y ++){ $lnStr=""; for($x = 0; $x <7; $x ++){ $lnStr.= $params['board'][$y][$x]; } $choice = analize($lnStr,$params['you'],$opponent,false,0); } //tester seulement les diagonales >= 4 cases for ($k = 0; $k < 4; $k ++){ //diagonale / $diagStr=""; for($x=$k , $y=0; isset($params['board'][$y][$x]); $x++, $y++){ $diagStr.=$params['board'][$y][$x]; } $choice = analize($diagStr,$params['you'],$opponent,false,$k); //diagonale \ $diagStr=""; for($x=$k , $y=5; isset($params['board'][$y][$x]); $x++, $y--){ $diagStr.=$params['board'][$y][$x]; } $choice = analize($diagStr,$params['you'],$opponent,false,$k); } for ($k = 0; $k < 3; $k ++){ //diagonale / $diagStr=""; for($x = 0, $y = $k ; isset($params['board'][$y][$x]); $x++, $y++){ $diagStr.=$params['board'][$y][$x]; } $choice = analize($diagStr,$params['you'],$opponent,false,0); } for ($k = 3 ; $k < 6 ; $k++){ //diagonales \ $diagStr=""; for($x=0 , $y=$k; isset($params['board'][$y][$x]); $x++, $y--){ $diagStr.=$params['board'][$y][$x]; } $choice = analize($diagStr,$params['you'],$opponent,false,0); } //print_r($choice); //si j'arrive là, je ne gagne pas à ce tour //liste des cases possible moins celles à éviter $colAvailable=array(); for($i=0;$i<7;$i++){ if((($params['board'][5][$i] == "+") OR ($params['board'][5][$i] == "-")) AND (!should_opponent_win_if_i_play_at($params['board'],$params['you'],$opponent,$i))) { $colAvailable[]=$i; } } if(count($colAvailable) == 0){ //on risque de perdre au prochain tour for($i=0;$i<7;$i++){ if(($params['board'][5][$i] == "+") OR ($params['board'][5][$i] == "-")){ $colAvailable[]=$i; } } } if(count($choice['colForNoLose']) > 0){ //intersection entre $choice['colForNoLose'] et $colAvailable $intersection = array_intersect($choice['colForNoLose'],$colAvailable); if(count($intersection) > 0){ shuffle($intersection); echo '{"play":'.$intersection[0].'}'; die; }else{ //on pourra perdre au prochain tour, tant pis shuffle($choice['colForNoLose']); echo '{"play":'.$choice['colForNoLose'][0].'}'; die; } } $colForNoLose1 = array_unique($choice['colForNoLose1']); $canWinDepth1 = array_unique($choice['canWinDepth1']); $intersection = array_intersect($colForNoLose1,$colAvailable,$canWinDepth1); if(count($intersection) > 0){ shuffle($intersection); echo '{"play":'.$intersection[0].'}'; die; } $intersection = array_intersect($colForNoLose1,$colAvailable); if(count($intersection) > 0){ shuffle($intersection); echo '{"play":'.$intersection[0].'}'; die; } $intersection = array_intersect($colForNoLose1,$canWinDepth1); if(count($intersection) > 0){ shuffle($intersection); echo '{"play":'.$intersection[0].'}'; die; } //still there? random shuffle($colAvailable); echo '{"play":'.$colAvailable[0].'}'; break; default: break; }