1.9.1 - Tuesday 11 November 2017

- PHP 7.2 support, which deprecates __autoload and "Object" is now a keyword.

1.9 - Friday 12 September 2014

- Adjusted source headers of Base to Apache license.
- Updated: Moving copyright information to NOTICE files.
- Use ezc_autoload() instead of __autoload(). (tests)
- Use assertInternalType() instead of assertType() where appropriate. (tests)
- Use assertInstanceOf() instead of assertType(). (tests)
- Fixed #ZETACOMP-39: ezcBaseOptions implements Iterator.
- Fixed #ZETACOMP-59: ezcBaseFileFindRecursiveTest::testRecursive1|2|4() now work.
- Fixed #ZETACOMP-33: Many dead links (404).
- Remove custom test runner.
- Fix ezcBaseTest.
- Added composer.json and test dependencies.
- Added Travis configuration.

1.8 - Monday 21 December 2009

- Fixed issue #15896: Autoload not working for all lowercase class names.

1.7 - Monday 29 June 2009

- No changes

1.7rc1 - Monday 22 June 2009

- Fixed an issue with the PEAR reader as sometimes the returned structure is

1.7beta1 - Monday 08 June 2009

- Made sure that we (try) to load the PEAR Registry class so that PEAR doesn't
  have to be in autoload.

1.7alpha1 - Tuesday 26 May 2009

- Added 'SunOS' to the list of Unices to make finding binaries work on Solaris
  as well.
- Implemented issue #13718: Include metadata about installed components that
  can be queried to figure out required PHP versions, dependencies and
  component versions.

1.6.1 - Monday 09 February 2009

- Fixed issue #14402: Auto detection of external programs (binaries) does not
  throw warnings anymore.

1.6 - Monday 05 January 2009

- Added a workaround for a segfault in call_user_func() in PHP 5.2.x.

1.6rc1 - Monday 15 December 2008

- Implemented issue #12542: Refactored the ezcBaseFile::findRecursive() method
  into the ezcBase::walkRecursive() method so that you can setup your own
  callbacks to "do things". The findRecursive() method is now implemented
  through this.
- Fixed issue #14091: Incorrect documentation for

1.6beta1 - Monday 01 December 2008

- Added the exception class ezcBaseFunctionalityNotSupportedException.

1.5.2 - Monday 06 October 2008

- Fixed an issue in ezcBaseFile::removeRecursive, where the parent directory
  could not be written to. We now make sure nothing is deleted until we're sure
  everything can be deleted.

1.5.1 - Monday 04 August 2008

- Fixed issue #13370: Infinitive loop in ezcBaseFile::calculateRelativePath().
- Implemented issue #11865: Different development modes.

1.5 - Monday 16 June 2008

- No changes.

1.5rc1 - Tuesday 10 June 2008

- No changes

1.5beta1 - Tuesday 27 May 2008

- Added the ezcBasePersistable interface that can be used to ensure that the
  object implementing this interface can be used with PersistentObject and

1.5alpha2 - Tuesday 13 May 2008

- Fixed a bug in ezcBaseFile::findRecursive that prevented you from passing an
  empty array to collect statistics.
- Changed ezcBase::getInstallationPath() so that it always returns a trailing
  directory separator.

1.5alpha1 - Monday 07 April 2008

- Implemented issue #8529: Added a by-reference argument to
  ezcBaseFile::findRecursive that returns statistsics (count and total size)
  of all files that are returned by this function.
- Implemented issue #11506: Added the static method
- Implemented issue #12694: replace reflection test for class type with spl

1.4.1 - Monday 14 January 2008

- Fixed issue #11448: ezc_bootsrap.php uses relative paths. 
- Fixed issue #12316: Numbers in own component prefix not possible.
- Fixed issue #12329: ezcBaseFeatures::findExecutableInPath's return value
  does not include the extension to the executable at the end on Windows.
- Added an optional argument to the ezcBaseValueException constructor to allow
  the exception to be used for non-property/setting type violations as well.

1.4 - Monday 17 December 2007

- No changes.

1.4rc1 - Wednesday 05 December 2007

- No changes.

1.4beta1 - Wednesday 28 November 2007

- No changes.

1.4alpha2 - Monday 29 October 2007

- Added the ezcBaseFile::copyRecursive() method, to recursively copy files or
- Fixed issue #11540: Problems with ezcFile::findRecursive and
  ezcFile::calculateRelativePath on systems where DIRECTORY_SEPERATOR is not

1.4alpha1 - Tuesday 18 September 2007

- Added the ezcBaseFile class, which was moved from the File component.
- Added the ezcBaseFile::isAbsolutePath() method, which returns whether a path
  is absolute or relative.

1.3.1 - Monday 30 July 2007

- Fixed issue #11057: The ezcBaseConfigurationInitializer inteface is not
  enforced for callback classes.

1.3 - Monday 02 July 2007

- Documentation fixes and updates.

1.3rc1 - Monday 25 June 2007

- Documentation fixes and updates.

1.3beta2 - Thursday 31 May 2007

- Fixed issue #10704: Autoload fails on class not found. The exception is now
  off by default, but can be turned on through the "debug" property of the
  ezcBaseAutoloadOptions class. This option class can be set with

1.3beta1 - Monday 07 May 2007

- Fixed issue #8433: ezcBase::getRepositoryDirectories() problems.
- Fixed issue #10583: ezcBaseOptions misses __isset().
- Fixed issue #10666: ezc_bootstrap.php fails on Windows.
- Implemented issue #9569: Add "autoload.php" as 3rd fallback autoload file to
  search for.
- Implemented issue #9988: Implement component preloading for better opcode
  cache performance.
- Added exception class ezcBaseExtensionNotFoundException to be thrown when an
  extension is required but is not found.
- Changed the ezcBaseInit::fetchConfig() method to return the value that was 
  returned from the callback function. 

1.2 - Monday 18 December 2006

- Fixed issue #9658: Checking if $_ENV['PATH'] is set before using it in
- Fixed issue #9780: ezcBaseFeatures throws notice about non-existing array
  key "PATH".
- Fixed issue #9819: Let all components deal with the ezcBaseAutoloadException
- Fixed the exception name for 'ezcBaseDoubleClassRepositoryPrefix' - it was
  missing "Exception".
- Implemented issue #9811: If a file for a class can not be found through
  autoloading, we now throw the ezcBaseAutoloadException which makes debugging
- Added the static method ezcBaseFeatures::findExecutableInPath() that searches the
  path for the given executable.
- Added the static method ezcBaseFeatures::os() that returns a sanitized
  version of the current OS' name.

1.2beta2 - Monday 20 November 2006

- Fixed issue #8507: Two autoload directories with the same basepath don't
- Fixed issue #9390: Classes in external repositories that map to the same
  autoload filename of an internal component were added to the external
  autoload cache array as well.

1.2beta1 - Tuesday 24 October 2006

- Added the ezcBaseFeatures class to check whether the current PHP
  installation and environment provides features that can be used in the
- Added the ezcBaseInit class that assists you by setting up on-demand
  configurations for objects (most notable useful for singleton classes).
- Implemented FR #8508: Display search paths for the autoload files in case of
  a missing class.
- Implemented FR #8753: Added the 'Base/ezc_bootstrap.php' file which sets up
  the autoload environment for you to facilitate an easier way of starting to
  use the eZ components.

1.1.1 - Monday 28 August 2006

- Added the ezcBaseStruct class from which all structs in all components
  should inherit from.

1.1 - Friday 09 June 2006

- Fixed bug #8434: ezcBase autoload system does not handle classes without a
- Fixed bug #8435: ezcBase::addClassRepository assumes the ezc way of
  structuring files. From now on the path specifying the autoload directory is
  *not* relative to the repository directory anymore.
1.1rc1 - Monday 29 May 2006

- Fixed bug #8252: Autoloading for external repositories only works for the
  first such class.

1.1beta2 - Tuesday 09 May 2006

- Added support for external class repositories. You can now add a class
  repository to the autoload mechanism by using the addClassRepository()
- Added a method to return all configured class repositories.
- Added the REMOVE constant to the ezcBaseFileException.
- Added the ezcBaseOptions class that serves as base class for all option
  classes in the components.

1.1beta1 - Wednesday 19 April 2006

- Changed the way how files are included when the SVN checkout of the eZ
  components was used. This does not affect normal use of the components.
- Fixed class descriptions for the exceptions in the documentation.

1.0 - Monday 30 January 2006

- Added HTML escaping of exception messages so that they show up correctly in 
  a browser. The original message is stored in the originalMessage property
  in the exception object.

1.0rc1 - Monday 16 January 2006

- Added the ezcBaseException that all exceptions in the components library
  should descent from.
- Added generic File and IO exceptions that all other components can use
  instead of having to reimplement them.
- Added ezcBase::checkDependency() method that allows components to specify
  dependencies on either a PHP version or a PHP extension.

1.0beta2 - Wednesday 21 December 2005

- Added the ezcBasePropertyException that can be used by components to signal
  that an property was assigned a value which it does not allows.

1.0beta1 - Tuesday 22 November 2005

- Initial release of this package.