<?php /** * Gnieark’s TplBlock. * * PHP version 5 * * @category Template * @package TplBlock * @author gnieark <gnieark@tinad.fr> * @link https://blog-du-grouik.tinad.fr * @license GNU General Public License V3 * @link https://github.com/gnieark/tplBlock/ */ namespace TplBlock; /** * The TplBlock class. * * @category Template * @package TplBlock * @author gnieark <gnieark@tinad.fr> * @license GNU General Public License V3 * @link https://github.com/gnieark/tplBlock/ */ class TplBlock { /** * The string starting a block start. * * @var string */ const BLOCKSTARTSTART = '<!--\s+BEGIN\s+'; /** * The string ending a block start. * * @var string */ const BLOCKSTARTEND = '\s+-->'; /** * The string starting a block end. * * @var string */ const BLOCKENDSTART = '<!--\s+END\s+'; /** * The string ending a block end. * * @var string */ const BLOCKENDEND = '\s+-->'; /** * The string starting an enclosure. * * @var string */ const STARTENCLOSURE = '{{'; /** * The string ending an enclosure. * * @var string */ const ENDENCLOSURE = '}}'; /** * The name of the block. * * @var string */ public $name = ''; /** * The array containing the variables used by TplBlock. * * @var array */ private $vars = []; /** * The array containing the sub blocks. * * @var array */ private $subBlocs = []; /** * The regex recognizing that a block is unused. * * @var string */ private $unusedRegex = ""; /** * Should we trim? * * @var boolean */ private $trim = true; /** * Should we replace non set template vars by an empty string? * * @var boolean */ private $replaceNonGivenVars = true; /** * Use strict mode? * * @var boolean */ private $strictMode = true; /** * Initialize TplBlock * * The name can be empty only for the top one block. * * @param string $name The template name */ public function __construct($name = "") { // Checks that name is valid. if ($name !== "" and ! ctype_alnum($name)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException( "Only alpha-numerics chars are allowed on the block name" ); } $this->name = $name; // Build the unused regex. $this->unusedRegex = '/' . self::BLOCKSTARTSTART . ' *([a-z][a-z0-9.]*) *' . self::BLOCKSTARTEND . '(.*?)' . self::BLOCKENDSTART . ' *\1 *' . self::BLOCKENDEND . '/is' ; } /** * Add simple variables * * The array must be structured like this: * * [ "key" => "value", "key2" => "value2" ] * * @param array $vars Variables to add. * * @return TplBlock For chaining. */ public function addVars(array $vars) { $this->vars = array_merge($this->vars, $vars); return $this; } /** * Add a sub block. * * @param TplBlock $bloc The block to add as a sub block. * * @return TplBlock For chaining. */ public function addSubBlock(TplBlock $bloc) { // An unnamed block cannot be a sub block. if ($bloc->name === "") { throw new \UnexpectedValueException( "A sub tpl block can't have an empty name" ); } $this->subBlocs[$bloc->name][] = $bloc; return $this; } /** * Generate the sub block regex. * * @param string $prefix The prefix to add to the block name. * @param string $blocName The block name. * * @return string The regex. */ private function subBlockRegex($prefix, $blocName) { return '/' . self::BLOCKSTARTSTART . preg_quote($prefix . $blocName) . self::BLOCKSTARTEND . ($this->trim === false ? '' : '(?:\R|)?' ) . '(.*?)' . ($this->trim === false ? '' : '(?:\R|)?' ) . self::BLOCKENDSTART . preg_quote($prefix . $blocName) . self::BLOCKENDEND . '/is'; } /** * Make some tests to check template consistency. * Return error message if needed, return 1 otherwise. * * @param string $str the string to check * @return string message */ public function checkConsistency($str){ return 1; } /** * Shake the template string and input vars then returns the parsed text. * * @param string $str containing the template to parse * @param string $subBlocsPath optional, for this class internal use. * The path should look like "bloc.subbloc". * * @return string The processed output. */ public function applyTplStr($str, $subBlocsPath = "") { if($this->strictMode){ $consistency = self::checkConsistency($str); if($consistency <> 1 ){ throw new \UnexpectedValueException($consistency); } } // Replace all simple vars. $prefix = $subBlocsPath === "" ? "" : $subBlocsPath . "."; foreach ($this->vars as $key => $value) { $str = str_replace( self::STARTENCLOSURE . $prefix . $key . self::ENDENCLOSURE, $value, $str ); } // Parse blocs. foreach ($this->subBlocs as $blocName => $blocsArr) { $str = preg_replace_callback( $this->subBlockRegex($prefix, $blocName), function ($m) use ($blocName, $blocsArr, $prefix) { $out = ""; foreach ($blocsArr as $bloc) { // Recursion. $out .= $bloc->applyTplStr( $m[1], $prefix . $blocName ); } return $out; }, $str ); } // Delete unused blocs. $str = preg_replace($this->unusedRegex, "", $str); //Replace non setted vars by empty string if($this->replaceNonGivenVars) { $str = preg_replace( "/" .self::STARTENCLOSURE .'([a-z][a-z0-9.]*)' .self::ENDENCLOSURE ."/", '', $str ); } return $str; } /** * Load a file, and pass his content to applyTplStr function. * * @param string $file The file path of the template to load * * @return string The processed output. */ public function applyTplFile($file) { if (! $tplStr = file_get_contents($file)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Cannot read given file $file"); } return $this->applyTplStr($tplStr, ""); } /** * Enables trimming. * * @return TplBlock For chaining. */ public function doTrim() { $this->trim = true; return $this; } /** * Disables trimming. * * @return TplBlock For chaining. */ public function dontTrim() { $this->trim = false; return $this; } /** * Enable the behaviour: Non given vars will be replaced by an empty string. * * @return TplBlock For chaining. */ public function doReplaceNonGivenVars() { $this->replaceNonGivenVars = true; return $this; } /** * Enable the behaviour: Non given vars will be replaced by an empty string. * * @return TplBlock For chaining. */ public function dontReplaceNonGivenVars() { $this->replaceNonGivenVars = false; return $this; } /** * Enable mode strict. If template is inconsistent, will throw an exception * and return nothing * * @return TplBlock For chaining. */ public function doStrictMode() { $this->strictMode = true; return $this; } /** * Disable mode strict. If template is inconsistent, will be parsed anyway. * and no errors will be returned. * * @return TplBlock For chaining. */ public function dontStrictMode(){ $this->strictMode = false; return $this; } }