# tplBlock A very simple PHP template class [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/gnieark/tplBlock.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/gnieark/tplBlock) # Sample This simple template file: ```html


``` Parsed with this code: ```php add_vars(array("pageTilte" => "Poke @zigazou ;)")); $data = array( array( "url" => "https://github.com/gnieark/tplBlock", "name" => "tplBlock", "author" => "Gnieark", "quality" => "simple and perfect" ), array( "url" => "https://github.com/Zigazou/TemplateEngine", "name" => "TemplateEngine", "author" => "Zigazou", "quality" => "more complex than tplBlock" ) ); //add blocks foreach ($data as $block){ $tplTemplateSystem = new TplBlock("templatesystem"); $tplTemplateSystem -> add_vars($block); $tpl->add_sub_block($tplTemplateSystem); } //parsing: echo $tpl->apply_tpl_file("template.html"); ``` will return: ```html

Poke @zigazou ;)

``` # Conception choices I wrote this class for use it on others personnals projects. It's really simple. I think logicals functions "OR" "IF", filtering, caching, are not the templating system matter. If a block ( <--BEGIN .... )is in the template, but is not called, it will be deleted. Methods apply_tpl_file and apply_tpl_str have for second (optional) parameters a bolean. (true if not given). If true, the potentials carriage returns just after the BEGIN and just before the END are deleted. For now, class is permissive. I'll improve it to manage templating errors.