# tplBlock A very simple PHP template class [](https://travis-ci.org/gnieark/tplBlock) # Sample This simple template file: ```html <html> <body> <h1>{{pageTilte}}</h1> <ul> <!-- BEGIN templatesystem --> <li><a href="{{templatesystem.url}}"> {{templatesystem.name}}</a> by {{templatesystem.author}} is {{templatesystem.quality}}</li> <!-- END templatesystem --> </ul> </body> </html> ``` Parsed with this code: ```php <?php require_once ("path/TplBlock.php"); //init object $tpl = new TplBlock(); //add a var $tpl->add_vars(array("pageTilte" => "Poke @zigazou ;)")); $data = array( array( "url" => "https://github.com/gnieark/tplBlock", "name" => "tplBlock", "author" => "Gnieark", "quality" => "simple and perfect" ), array( "url" => "https://github.com/Zigazou/TemplateEngine", "name" => "TemplateEngine", "author" => "Zigazou", "quality" => "more complex than tplBlock" ) ); //add blocks foreach ($data as $block){ $tplTemplateSystem = new TplBlock("templatesystem"); $tplTemplateSystem -> add_vars($block); $tpl->add_sub_block($tplTemplateSystem); } //parsing: echo $tpl->apply_tpl_file("template.html"); ``` will return: ```html <html> <body> <h1>Poke @zigazou ;)</h1> <ul> <li><a href="https://github.com/gnieark/tplBlock"> tplBlock</a> by Gnieark is simple and perfect</li> <li><a href="https://github.com/Zigazou/TemplateEngine"> TemplateEngine</a> by Zigazou is more complex than tplBlock</li> </ul> </body> </html> ``` # Conception choices I wrote this class for use it on others personnals projects. It's really simple. I think logicals functions "OR" "IF", filtering, caching, are not the templating system matter. If a block ( <--BEGIN .... )is in the template, but is not called, it will be deleted. For now, class is permissive. I'll improve it to manage templating errors. # Install Use composer etc... or simply put the file TplBlock.php on your project https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gnieark/tplBlock/master/TplBlock.php # Documentation See the comments on the TplBlock.php file.