<?php use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; require_once __DIR__.'/../class.TplBlock.php'; class TplBlockTest extends TestCase{ /** * @expectedException InvalidTemplateException */ public function testSendEmptyNameOnSubFunction(){ $tpl = new TplBlock(); $subTpl = new TplBlock(); $tpl->add_sub_block($subTpl); } public function testsimpleVar(){ $tpl = new TplBlock(); $tpl->add_vars(array( "name" => "Gnieark", "title" => "Monsieur", "firstname" => "Grouik" ) ); $this->assertEquals("Hello Gnieark", $tpl->apply_tpl_str("Hello {{name}}")); } //test from a file public function testParseFromFile(){ file_put_contents("temp.txt","Hello {{name}}"); $tpl = new TplBlock(); $tpl->add_vars(array( "name" => "Gnieark", "title" => "Monsieur", "firstname" => "Grouik" ) ); $this->assertEquals("Hello Gnieark", $tpl->apply_tpl_file("temp.txt")); unlink("temp.txt"); } //test blocs public function testBlocs(){ $str = " Bhah blah wpooie456 <!-- BEGIN bloc --> have to be shown <!-- END bloc --> <!-- BEGIN blocTwo --> WONT to be shown <!-- END blocTwo --> "; $tpl = new TplBlock(); $tpl2 = new TplBlock("bloc"); $tpl->add_sub_block($tpl2); $str = $tpl->apply_tpl_str($str); $this->assertContains('have',$str); $this->assertFalse(strpos("WONT",$str)); } //test if error on blocks names WTF /** * @expectedException InvalidTemplateException */ public function testIfErrorOnForbiddenName(){ $tpl = new TplBlock("kjsd54 65"); } //test if error on blocks names WTF /** * @expectedException InvalidTemplateException */ public function testIfErrorOnForbiddenNameAgain(){ $tpl = new TplBlock("kjsd54.5"); } }