2018-03-26 21:57:35 +02:00

231 lines
7.0 KiB

* This file is part of the JSON Lint package.
* (c) Jordi Boggiano <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Seld\JsonLint\JsonParser;
use Seld\JsonLint\ParsingException;
use Seld\JsonLint\DuplicateKeyException;
class JsonParserTest extends TestCase
protected $json = array(
'42', '42.3', '0.3', '-42', '-42.3', '-0.3',
'2e1', '2E1', '-2e1', '-2E1', '2E+2', '2E-2', '-2E+2', '-2E-2',
'true', 'false', 'null', '""', '[]', '{}', '"string"',
'["a", "sdfsd"]',
'{"foo":"bar", "bar":"baz", "":"buz"}',
'{"":"foo", "_empty_":"bar"}',
'{"a":"b", "b":"c"}',
* @dataProvider provideValidStrings
public function testParsesValidStrings($input)
$parser = new JsonParser();
$this->assertEquals(json_decode($input), $parser->parse($input));
public function provideValidStrings()
$strings = array();
foreach ($this->json as $input) {
$strings[] = array($input);
return $strings;
public function testErrorOnTrailingComma()
$parser = new JsonParser();
try {
$this->fail('Invalid trailing comma should be detected');
} catch (ParsingException $e) {
$this->assertContains('It appears you have an extra trailing comma', $e->getMessage());
public function testErrorOnInvalidQuotes()
$parser = new JsonParser();
try {
"foo": \'bar\',
$this->fail('Invalid quotes for string should be detected');
} catch (ParsingException $e) {
$this->assertContains('Invalid string, it appears you used single quotes instead of double quotes', $e->getMessage());
public function testErrorOnUnescapedBackslash()
$parser = new JsonParser();
try {
"foo": "bar\z",
$this->fail('Invalid unescaped string should be detected');
} catch (ParsingException $e) {
$this->assertContains('Invalid string, it appears you have an unescaped backslash at: \z', $e->getMessage());
public function testErrorOnUnterminatedString()
$parser = new JsonParser();
try {
$parser->parse('{"bar": "foo}');
$this->fail('Invalid unterminated string should be detected');
} catch (ParsingException $e) {
$this->assertContains('Invalid string, it appears you forgot to terminate a string, or attempted to write a multiline string which is invalid', $e->getMessage());
public function testErrorOnMultilineString()
$parser = new JsonParser();
try {
$parser->parse('{"bar": "foo
$this->fail('Invalid multi-line string should be detected');
} catch (ParsingException $e) {
$this->assertContains('Invalid string, it appears you forgot to terminate a string, or attempted to write a multiline string which is invalid', $e->getMessage());
public function testErrorAtBeginning()
$parser = new JsonParser();
try {
$this->fail('Empty string should be invalid');
} catch (ParsingException $e) {
$this->assertContains("Parse error on line 1:\n\n^", $e->getMessage());
public function testParsesMultiInARow()
$parser = new JsonParser();
foreach ($this->json as $input) {
$this->assertEquals(json_decode($input), $parser->parse($input));
public function testDetectsKeyOverrides()
$parser = new JsonParser();
try {
$parser->parse('{"a":"b", "a":"c"}', JsonParser::DETECT_KEY_CONFLICTS);
$this->fail('Duplicate keys should not be allowed');
} catch (DuplicateKeyException $e) {
$this->assertContains('Duplicate key: a', $e->getMessage());
$this->assertSame('a', $e->getKey());
$this->assertSame(array('line' => 1, 'key' => 'a'), $e->getDetails());
public function testDetectsKeyOverridesWithEmpty()
$parser = new JsonParser();
if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70100) {
$this->markTestSkipped('Only for PHP < 7.1');
try {
$parser->parse('{"":"b", "_empty_":"a"}', JsonParser::DETECT_KEY_CONFLICTS);
$this->fail('Duplicate keys should not be allowed');
} catch (DuplicateKeyException $e) {
$this->assertContains('Duplicate key: _empty_', $e->getMessage());
$this->assertSame('_empty_', $e->getKey());
$this->assertSame(array('line' => 1, 'key' => '_empty_'), $e->getDetails());
public function testDuplicateKeys()
$parser = new JsonParser();
$result = $parser->parse('{"a":"b", "a":"c", "a":"d"}', JsonParser::ALLOW_DUPLICATE_KEYS);
public function testDuplicateKeysWithEmpty()
$parser = new JsonParser();
if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70100) {
$this->markTestSkipped('Only for PHP < 7.1');
$result = $parser->parse('{"":"a", "_empty_":"b"}', JsonParser::ALLOW_DUPLICATE_KEYS);
public function testParseToArray()
$parser = new JsonParser();
$json = '{"one":"a", "two":{"three": "four"}, "": "empty"}';
$result = $parser->parse($json, JsonParser::PARSE_TO_ASSOC);
$this->assertSame(json_decode($json, true), $result);
public function testFileWithBOM()
try {
$parser = new JsonParser();
$parser->parse(file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) .'/bom.json'));
$this->fail('BOM should be detected');
} catch (ParsingException $e) {
$this->assertContains('BOM detected', $e->getMessage());
public function testLongString()
$parser = new JsonParser();
$json = '{"k":"' . str_repeat("a\\n",10000) . '"}';
$this->assertEquals(json_decode($json), $parser->parse($json));