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class InvalidTemplateException extends UnexpectedValueException{
class TplBlock {
* Class TplBlog
* By gnieark 2018
* Licenced under the GNU General Public License V3
const blockStartStart = '<!-- BEGIN ';
const blockStartEnd = ' -->';
const blockEndStart = '<!-- END ';
const blockEndEnd = ' -->';
const startEnclosure = '{{';
const endEnclosure = '}}';
public $name = '';
private $vars = array();
private $subBlocs = array();
* Initialise TplBlock
* Input object name
* Can be empty only for the top one block
public function __construct($name = NULL){
$this->name = $name;
* Add simple vars
* Input array structured like:
* {"key":"value","key2":"value2"}
public function add_vars(ARRAY $vars){
$this->vars = array_merge($this->vars,$vars);
* add_sub_block
* Input: a TplBlock object.
public function add_sub_block(TplBlock $bloc){
if(is_null($bloc->name) || empty($bloc->name)){
throw new InvalidTemplateException("A sub tpl bloc can't have an empty name");
return false;
$this->subBlocs[$bloc->name][] = $bloc;
* Shake template and input vars and returns the text
* Input:
* $str String containing the template to parse
* $subBlocsPath String optional, for this class internal use. The path like "bloc.subbloc"
* $trim Boolean
* if true(default), the potentials Carriages returns beginning
* and ending the bloc are deleted
public function apply_tpl_str($str,$subBlocsPath = "", $trim = true){
//replace all simple vars
$prefix = (empty($subBlocsPath)? "" : $subBlocsPath.".");
foreach($this->vars as $key=>$value){
$str = str_replace(self::startEnclosure . $prefix . $key . self::endEnclosure,
//Isolate blocs
foreach($this->subBlocs as $blocName => $blocsArr){
$str = preg_replace_callback(
'/' . self::blockStartStart . preg_quote($prefix . $blocName) . self::blockStartEnd .
self::blockEndStart . preg_quote($prefix . $blocName). self::blockEndEnd.
function($m) use($blocName,$blocsArr,$prefix, $trim) {
echo gettype($trim).$trim;
$out = "";
foreach($blocsArr as $bloc){
$out.=$bloc->apply_tpl_str( $m[1] , $prefix . $blocName , $trim );
return $out;
return trim($str,"\n");
return $str;
* load a file, and pass his content to apply_tpl_str function.
public function apply_tpl_file($file, $trim = true){
if(!$tplStr = file_get_contents($file)){
throw new InvalidTemplateException("Cannot read given file ".$file);
return false;
return $this->apply_tpl_str($tplStr, null, $trim);