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<title>Trons's Ludus</title>
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7 years ago
.playerBox em {width: 100%;}
.playerBox em label { width: 40%; text-align: right;}
.playerBox em input,.playerBox em input, .playerBox em select {width:59%; float:right;}
.hidden{display: none;}
#logs{font-size: 70%;}
function createElem(type,attributes){
var elem=document.createElement(type);
for (var i in attributes)
return elem;
7 years ago
function makeid(){
var text = "";
var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
for( var i=0; i < 5; i++ )
text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
return text;
function changeRandom(index,newValue){
if (newValue == "random" ){
document.getElementById("posX" + index).className = "hidden";
document.getElementById("posY" + index).className = "hidden";
document.getElementById("posX" + index).className = "";
document.getElementById("posY" + index).className = "";
7 years ago
function changeTypePlayer(index,newValue){
if (newValue == "Human") document.getElementById("botUrl" + index).className = "hidden";
else document.getElementById("botUrl" + index).className = "";
7 years ago
function createElemWithLabel(type,attributes,labelTxt, id =''){
* return an em element containing label and data like this:
* <em id='kjhjk'>
* <label for="plop"> the text of blah blah </label>
* <input type='someType' value='kjhjlkh' id='plop'/>
* </em>
if( id == ''){
var em = createElem ('em',{});
var em = createElem ('em',{'id':id});
if (typeof attributes['id'] !== 'undefined') {
var forId = attributes['id'];
var forId = makeid();
var label = createElem('label',{'for' : forId});
7 years ago
label.innerHTML = labelTxt;
7 years ago
var elem = createElem(type,attributes);
if (typeof attributes['id'] !== 'undefined') {
return em;
function createLineSelect(labelTxt,arrayOptions,attributes){
//attributes are the select 's attributes, not his container
var em = createElem('em',{});
if (typeof attributes['id'] !== 'undefined') {
var forId = attributes['id'];
var forId = makeid();
var label = createElem('label',{'for':forId});
label.innerHTML = labelTxt;
var select = createElem('select',attributes);
if (typeof attributes['id'] !== 'undefined') {
for(var i=0; i < arrayOptions.length; i++){
var option = createElem('option',{'value':arrayOptions[i]['value']});
7 years ago
option.innerHTML = arrayOptions[i]['text'];
7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
return em;
function createPlayerForm(index){
var container = document.getElementById("playersSettings");
var divForm = createElem("div", {"id": "containerPlayer" + index,"class":"playerBox" } );
7 years ago
[ {'value':'bot','text' : 'bot'},
{'value':'human','text' : 'human'}
{"id":"playerType" + index,
"onchange":"changeTypePlayer('" + index + "', this.value);"
"id":"botUrl" + index, "type": "text", "value":"",
'URL du Bot'
createLineSelect('Starting cell:',
[ {'value':'random','text' : 'random'},
{'value':'defined','text' : 'Let me define it'}
"id": "randomOrNot" + index,
"onchange":"changeRandom('" + index + "', this.value);"
{"type":"text","value": "0","id":"posX" + index},
'X coord:'
{"type":"text","value": "0","id":"posY" + index},
'Y coord:'
<h1>Tron's Ludus</h1>
<p>Here you can test and fix your bot, against himself, against human or against any other bot if you know the URL.
<br/>No scoring here, it's a Ludus (gladiators training center).</p>
<aside id="playersSettings">
<h2>Configure the test</h2>
<article id="fightResult">
<a href="/p/About">About</a><a href="">Bots'Arena source code</a><a href="/p/legals">Mentions légales</a>