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8 years ago
<h2> How Tron Fights Works </h2>
<h3> Game's rules (excluding technical specs) </h3>
<p> Each bot starts from a point randomly selected by the arena. </p>
<p> At each turn, bots are asked to grow one square. they can choose the direction.</p>
<p> If a bot strikes a cell already taken by its trail or that of another, it loses. </p>
<p> It is not turn-based, bots are playinig simultaneously, so they can lose by choosing the same destination cell as another snake.</p>
<p> Example: </p>
<table class="tabledoc">
<tr><th>4</th><td class="green"></td><td class="green"></td><td class="green">oO</td><td></td><td class="red">oO</td><td class="red"></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr>
<tr><th>3</th><td class="green"></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td class="red"></td><td class="red"></td><td class="red"></td><td></td></tr>
8 years ago
<p>If in the same turn the green snake and the red snake decide to go respectively to the left and to the right, they will telescope and both will lose.</p>
<table class="tabledoc">
<tr><th>4</th><td class="green"></td><td class="green"></td><td class="green"></td><td class="brown">): :(</td><td class="red"></td><td class="red"></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr>
<tr><th>3</th><td class="green"></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td class="red"></td><td class="red"></td><td class="red"></td><td></td></tr>
8 years ago
<p>When a snake dies, (when a bot loses) its tail is erased and cells taken by it become free for snakes still alive.</p>
<p>The game ends when there are less than two snakes left</p>
8 years ago
<li>width: 1000 cells</li>
<li>Height: 1000 cells</li>
8 years ago
<h3>Communications between the arena and the bots</h3>
<p>The arena does send http (s) requests to the bots.</p>
<li>Type: POST</li>
8 years ago
<li>in JSON format inside the query's body</li>
8 years ago
<h3>Initialization of the game</h3>
<p>The arena (this site) sends the following exemple message to your bot:</p>
8 years ago
<li><em>game-id</em> String The unique identifier of the game. Your bot can be led to play several parts simultaneously. If the functioning of your bot requires to keep data between two turns of the arena, this identifier will be useful.</li>
<li><em>action</em> String, can be "init" or "play-turn". For the current step, it's "init"</li>
<li><em>game</em> String, Always "tron" here,can be usefull if you use the same URL to serve many bots</li>
<li><em>board</em> Is empty at this step./li>
<li><em>players</em> Intreger indicating how many bots are playing this game.Your bot can "play" several players on the same game. What if you had them collaborate in that case?</li>
<li><em>player-index</em> Entier Your bot number. The first bot is player-index: 0. You'll keep the same number throughout the game, even if some others players are already dead.</li>
8 years ago
<p>Your bot must respond with an array in json format, like this:</p>
8 years ago
The arena does not currently verify this response, the init step has been inserted to ensure compatibility with Bolosseum. If your bot answers a blank page at this stage (action = init), it will work as part of botsarena.
8 years ago
<h3>Game's laps</h3>
<p>Exemple of arena's message send on the first lap:</p>
<p>Exemple of arena's message send after some laps:</p>
8 years ago
<p>Following fields are as in the previous paragraph:</p>
8 years ago
<p>Not same fields are:</p>
8 years ago
<li><em>action</em>String, always "play-turn" for this step.</li>
<li><em>board</em>A full chapter is needed ti explain that.</li>
8 years ago
<h4>The map / the board</h4>
<p>It is contained on "board" field. All the cells taken by each player are writted in.</p>
It is composed of several subarrays / subobjects (depending on your programming language).
the sub-tables haved the following form:
8 years ago
<li>Player 1
8 years ago
<li>Cell 1
8 years ago
<li>Coordinate X</li>
<li>Coordinate Y</li>
8 years ago
8 years ago
<li>Coordinate X</li>
<li>Coordinate Y</li>
8 years ago
<li>Player 2>
8 years ago
<li>Cell 1
8 years ago
<li>Coordinate X</li>
<li>Coordinate Y</li>
8 years ago
<li>Cell 2
8 years ago
<li>Coordinate X</li>
<li>Coordinate Y</li>
8 years ago
<p> JSON form is as follows:</p>
[<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;[<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[x1,y1],[x2,y2],[x3,y3]<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;],<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;[<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(...)<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;]<br />
8 years ago
<p>Trails'order on this table is the same as Player's order. So, your "snake" has the trail corresponding with player-index. (First player-index value is 0).</p>
<p>coordinate's are from the head to the trail. Bots grow by moving their heads.</p>
<h2>Bot's awnser</h2>
<p> It returns direction it wants on a JSON array.</p><p>4 possibilies:</p>
8 years ago
8 years ago
<p>The way to note the directions seems fairly explicit for me to not explain.</p>
8 years ago
<p>The scoring (EHLO classification) remains on a logic of duels, although this game can contain more than two bots per game. The score is changed as the game happens each time a bot dies:</p>
<li> During the defeat of a bot, the arena records a draw against all the other bots that also lost in the same round of play.</li>
<li>It also records a defeat of the dead bots against all the bots still in the race at the end of the round.</li>
8 years ago
<h2>Tools to develop and test your bot</h2>
<p>Unfortunately no tools yet. It will come in the weeks to come, maybe in the form of a swagger interface</p>
<p>And I must also develop an AI less stupid than stupid IA, because currently as it commits suicide too fast, it does not allow to test the arena nor a more intelligent bot.</p>