rewrite trongame

root 8 years ago
parent 87d2c4cf1e
commit c4e99fccc7

@ -1 +1 @@

@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
class Coords{
private $min = 0;
private $max = 999;
private static $min = 0;
private static $max = 999;
public $x;
public $y;
public function __construct(int $x = 0, int $y = 0) {
if (($x < $this->min) || ($x > $this->max) || ($y < $this->min) || ($y > $this->max)){
if (($x < Coords::$min) || ($x > Coords::$max) || ($y < Coords::$min) || ($y > Coords::$max)){
//out of limits
error_log("a bot out of limits");
return false;

@ -2,71 +2,57 @@
class ScoreLap
private $playersIdsByOrder; //array containing id's of alive players at the beginning of the match, Put only alive bots in!
private $looserList; //idem but only loosers
public function addBotOnLap($order,$id){
$this->playersIdsByOrder[$order] = $id;
private $participants; //array containing bots objects
private $loosers; //those who losed
public function addBotOnLap(TronPlayer $bot){
$this->participants[] = $bot;
public function addLoser($order,$id){
$this->looserList[$order] = $order;
public function addLoser(TronPlayer $bot){
$this->loosers[] = $bot;
public function __construct() {
$this->playersIdsByOrder = array();
$this->looserList = array();
$this->participants= array();
$this->loosers = array();
public function getLoosersList(){
return $this->looserList;
return $this->$loosers;
// public function make($botsList){
// //$botsList must be like array[{botOrder:BotId},{botOrder:BotId}]
// $this->looserList = $botsList;
// }
private function ApplyDraws(){
private function ApplyDraws(){
//apply draw match to all losers
if(count($this->looserList) > 1){ //no draw if only 0 or one user at this lap
foreach($looserList as $order1 => $looser1){
foreach($looserList as $order2 => $looser2){
if($order1 <> $order2){
if(count($this->looserList) < 2) return;
foreach($loosers as $$looser1){
foreach($loosers as $looser2){
if($looser1->playerIndex == $looser2->playerIndex) continue;
save_battle('tron', $looser1->id, $looser2->id, 0, 'id' );
private function ApplyWins(){
private function ApplyWins(){
//need to make losers List. simply array of orders
$loosersOrdersArr = array();
foreach($this->looserList as $order => $looser){
$loosersOrdersArr[] = $order;
$loosersIndexArr = array();
foreach($this->looserList as $looser){
$loosersIndexArr[] = $looser->playerIndex;
foreach($this->looserList as $looserOrder => $looserId){
foreach($playersIdsByOrder as $order=>$player){
foreach($this->loosers as $looser){
foreach($this->participants as $participant){
if(in_array($participant->playerIndex,$loosersIndexArr)) continue;
save_battle('tron', $looser->id, $participant->id, 2, 'id');
public function ApplyScores(){
$this-> ApplyDraws();
$this-> ApplyWins();

@ -18,15 +18,14 @@ class Trail {
public function emptyTrail(){
$this->trail = new SplStack();
public function mergeWith($trailToMerge){
foreach($trailToMerge as $value) {
public function add($value) {
if(!$this->trail->isEmpty()) {
if(Trail::kind($this->trail->bottom()) !== Trail::kind($value)) {
// throw new TypeError(
// 'items added to a trail must be of the same kind'
// );
return false;
@ -43,7 +42,7 @@ class Trail {
public function __toString(){
return json_encode($this->getTrailAsArray());
public function getTrailAsArray(){
$arr = array();
foreach($this->trail as $coord) {

@ -4,16 +4,38 @@ class TronGame
private $bots; //array of bots
public $gameId;
private $status; //false => Game ended or not initialised
private function getAliveBots(){
$aliveBots = array();
foreach($this->bots as $bot){
$aliveBots[] = $bot;
return $aliveBots;
public function get_continue(){
//count bots alive. if less than 1, game is ended
$count = 0;
private function getBotByPlayerIndex($index){
foreach($this->bots as $bot){
if( $bot->isAlive == true){
if($bot->playerIndex == $index){
return $bot;
if($count > 1){
return false;
private function initScoring(){
*Add all alive bots on a ScoreLap object and return it
$scoring = new ScoreLap();
foreach($this->getAliveBots()as $bot){
return $scoring;
public function get_continue(){
//count bots alive. if less than 1, game is ended
if(count($this->getAliveBots()) > 1){
return true;
return false;
@ -28,6 +50,14 @@ class TronGame
return $trailsArr;
private function get_map_as_an_unique_trail(){
$trail = new Trail;
foreach($this->bots as $bot){
return trail;
public function get_lasts_trails(){
//return only the lasts coords for each tail
$trailsArr = array();
@ -37,83 +67,126 @@ class TronGame
return $trailsArr;
public function new_lap(){
// for all alive bots
$logs = "";
$nbeBots = count($this->bots);
$urls = array();
$paramToSend = array();
$board = $this->get_trails();
//$board = $this->get_lasts_trails();
$lastsCells = array();
if($this->get_continue() === false){
return false;
$scoreObj = $this->initScoring();
$aliveBots = $this->getAliveBots();
$scoring = new ScoreLap();
//fixed Query parameters
$nbeBots = count($this->bots);
$board = $this->get_trails(); //same for each bot
$initialMapAsATrail = $this->get_map_as_an_unique_trail();
//Open curl multi
$cmh = curl_multi_init();
$ch = array();
for ($botCount = 0; $botCount < $nbeBots; $botCount++){
if ($this->bots[$botCount]->isAlive){
$urls[$botCount] = $this->bots[$botCount]->url;
$paramsToSend[$botCount] = array(
foreach($aliveBots as $bot){
$i = $bot->playerIndex; //because $i is shorter
$bodyRequestArr[$i] = array(
'game-id' => "".$this->gameId,
'action' => 'play-turn',
'game' => 'tron',
'board' => $board,
'player-index' => $botCount, // To do: verifier que ça restera le même à chaque tour
'player-index' => $i,
'players' => $nbeBots
$data_string = json_encode($bodyRequestArr[$i]);
$ch[$i] = curl_init($bot->url);
curl_setopt($ch[$i], CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST");
curl_setopt($ch[$i], CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
curl_setopt($ch[$i], CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($ch[$i], CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data_string);
curl_setopt($ch[$i], CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch[$i], CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
'Content-Type: application/json',
'Content-Length: ' . strlen($data_string))
$responses = $this->get_multi_IAS_Responses($urls,$paramsToSend);
//grow bots'tails
for ($botCount = 0; $botCount < $nbeBots; $botCount++){
if ($this->bots[$botCount]->isAlive){
//send the requests
do {
$returnVal = curl_multi_exec($cmh, $runningHandles);
}while($runningHandles > 0);
//get results
foreach($ch as $playerIndex=>$cr){
$currentBot = $this->getBotByPlayerIndex($playerIndex);
// Check for errors
$curlError = curl_error($cr);
$response = curl_multi_getcontent($cr);
if(!$dir = Direction::make($responses[$botCount]['responseArr']['play'])){
//he loses , non conform response
$scoring-> addLoser($botCount,$this->bots[$botCount]->id);
if($curlError !== "") {
//erreur curl, he loses
$scoreObj-> addLoser($currentBot);
}elseif(! $arr = json_decode($response,TRUE)){
//la reponse n'est pas un json, il a perdu
$scoreObj-> addLoser($currentBot);
$lastsCells[$botCount] = $this->bots[$botCount]->grow($dir);
if($lastsCells[$botCount] === false){
//$loosers[] = $botCount;
$scoring-> addLoser($botCount,$this->bots[$botCount]->id);
}elseif(Direction::make($arr['play']) === false){
//tester ici la réponse
//he loose il utilise probablement une de ses propres cases
$scoreObj-> addLoser($currentBot);
}elseif($initialMapAsATrail->contains($currentBot->trail->last()->addDirection(Direction::make($arr['play'])))){ //ounch
//le bot tente d'aller sur une case qui était prise au début du round
$scoreObj-> addLoser($currentBot);
//mettre de coté la direction du bot
$currentBot->nextDir = Direction::make($arr['play']);
//close curl
curl_multi_remove_handle($cmh, $cr);
//test if loose
for ($botCount = 0; $botCount < $nbeBots; $botCount++){
if ($this->bots[$botCount]->isAlive){
//tester si collusion avec les cases actuelles
for( $botCount2 = 0; $botCount2 < $nbeBots; $botCount2++){
if(($botCount <> $botCount2)
&& ($this->bots[$botCount2]->trail->contains($lastsCells[$botCount]))
$scoring-> addLoser($botCount,$this->bots[$botCount]->id);
$aliveBots = $this->getAliveBots();
//pour tous les bots encore vivants, on teste si deux d'entre eux ne cibleraient pas la même case
foreach ($aliveBots as $bot1){
foreach ($aliveBots as $bot2){
if($bot1-> $playerIndex == $bot2-> $playerIndex) continue;
if($bot1->trail->last()->addDirection($bot1->nextDir) == $bot2->trail->last()->addDirection($bot2->nextDir)){
//he loose
$scoreObj-> addLoser($bot1);
//ok, faire grossir les bots qui restent
foreach($this->getAliveBots() as $bot){
$bot-> applyNextDir();
//apply scores:
$scoreObj-> ApplyScores();
return array(
'last_points' => $this->get_lasts_trails(),
'loosers' => $scoring->getLoosersList()
'loosers' => $scoreObj->getLoosersList()
private function get_multi_IAS_Responses($iasUrls, $postParams){
//bug here le resultat retourné ne prend pas les bots ayant déjà perdus
//same as the get_IAS_Responses function
// but more than one bot requested parallely
@ -158,7 +231,7 @@ class TronGame
$res[$i] = array(
'messageSend' => json_encode($postParams[$i]),
'response' => $response,
'response' => $response,
'httpStatus' => curl_getinfo($ch[$i])['http_code'],
'responseArr' => $arr
@ -222,7 +295,7 @@ class TronGame
$startCoord = new Coords($x,$y);
$this->bots[$botCount] = new TronPlayer();
if ($this->bots[$botCount]->isAlive === false){
$err .= "Something went wrong for ".$this->bots[$botCount]->getName()."<br/>";

@ -4,12 +4,14 @@ class TronPlayer{
public $id;
public $name;
public $trail;
private $direction;
public $isAlive = true;
public $playerIndex = -1; //if unset is -1
public $looseCause = "";
public $nextDir;
public function grow(Direction $dir){
$dest = $this->trail->last()->addDirection($dir);
if($dest == false){
if($dest === false){
return false;
@ -17,19 +19,25 @@ class TronPlayer{
return $this->trail->last();
public function applyNextDir(){
$this-> grow($this->nextDir);
public function loose(){
$this->isAlive = false;
//error_log($this->name." a perdu");
return false;
public function make($botId, Coords $initialsCoords,$name,$url){
public function make($botId, Coords $initialsCoords,$name,$url,$playerIndex = -1){
$this->id = $botId;
$this->trail = new Trail;
$this->name = $name;
$this->url = $url;
$this->state = true;
$this->playerIndex = $playerIndex;
public function __construct(){
$this->state = false;
