$name, "url" =>$url); if($activeOnly){ $addClause=" AND active='1'"; }else{ $addClause=""; } $rs=mysqli_query($lnMysql, "SELECT id,name,url,description FROM bots WHERE game='".mysqli_real_escape_string($lnMysql,$arena)."'".$addClause); $bots=array(); while($r=mysqli_fetch_row($rs)){ $bots[]=array( 'id' => $r[0], 'name'=> $r[1], 'url' => $r[2], 'description' => $r[3] ); } return $bots; } function rand_str($length = 32, $chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890'){ $chars_length = (strlen($chars) - 1); $string = $chars{rand(0, $chars_length)}; for ($i = 1; $i < $length; $i = strlen($string)){ $r = $chars{rand(0, $chars_length)}; if ($r != $string{$i - 1}) $string .= $r; } return $string; } function xd_check_input($id=1){ /* *On génére un hash aléatoire qui sera *ajouté aux formulaires, afin d'ajouter *une vérification supplémentaire *lors du traitement de ce dernier */ /* * le parametre $id permet de selectionner le type de retour * 0=> un input type hidden sans id * 1=> un input type hidden avec id * 2=> juste la valeur */ if(!isset($_SESSION['xd_check'])){ //le générer $_SESSION['xd_check']=rand_str(25); } switch($id){ case 0: return ""; break; case 1: return ""; break; case 2: return $_SESSION['xd_check']; break; default: return ""; break; } } function get_language_array(){ /* * Choisir la langue de l'utilisateur * en priorisant parametre GET, cookie, info du navigateur * Retourner l'array contenant les bonnes traductions */ $langsAvailable=array('fr','en'); $language=""; if( isset($_GET['lang']) ){ $language = $_GET['lang']; setcookie( 'lang', $language, time() + 60*60*24*30 ); }elseif( isset($_COOKIE['lang']) ){ $language=$_COOKIE['lang']; }else{ if(in_array(substr($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'], 0, 2),$langsAvailable)){ $language=substr($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'], 0, 2); } } if(!in_array($language,$langsAvailable)){ $language="en"; } include (__DIR__."/../lang/".$language.".php"); return $lang; } function error($code,$message){ switch($code){ case 404: header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); echo 'Page Not found


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Go to home page

'; die; case 400: header ("HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request"); echo 'Bad request


'; die; case 500: header ("HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error"); echo 'Internal Server Error


'; die; default: die; break; } } function conn_bdd(){ require (__DIR__."/config.php"); if (!$linkMysql=mysqli_connect($mysqlParams['host'], $mysqlParams['user'], $mysqlParams['pass'])) { error(500,'database connexion failed'); die; } mysqli_select_db($linkMysql,$mysqlParams['database']); mysqli_set_charset($linkMysql, 'utf8'); return $linkMysql; //does PHP can do that? } function get_battles_history($game){ global $lnMysql; $game=substr($game,0,8); //limit 8 char for limitting mysql index size $rs=mysqli_query($lnMysql, " SELECT player1.name, player2.name, arena_history.player1_winsCount, arena_history.player2_winsCount, arena_history.nulCount FROM bots as player1, bots as player2, arena_history WHERE player1.id=arena_history.player1_id AND player2.id=arena_history.player2_id AND arena_history.game='".mysqli_real_escape_string($lnMysql,$game)."';" ); $results=array(); while($r=mysqli_fetch_row($rs)){ $results[]= array( 'bot1' => $r[0], 'bot2' => $r[1], 'player1Wins' => $r[2], 'player2Wins' => $r[3], 'draws' => $r[4] ); } return $results; } function ELO_get_podium($arena){ global $lnMysql; $podium=array(); echo "SELECT id,name,description,ELO FROM bots WHERE game='".$arena."' AND active='1' ORDER BY ELO DESC, name"; $rs=mysqli_query($lnMysql,"SELECT id,name,description,ELO FROM bots WHERE game='".$arena."' AND active='1' ORDER BY ELO DESC, name"); while($r = mysqli_fetch_row($rs)){ $podium[]=array( 'id' => $r[0], 'name' => $r[1], 'description' => $r[2], 'ELO' => $r[3] ); } return $podium; } function ELO_get_k($elo){ if ($elo < 1000){ return 80; } if ($elo < 2000){ return 50; } if ($elo <= 2400){ return 30; } return 20; } function ELO_get_new_ranks($elo1,$elo2,$score){ /* * return an array containing new ELO scores after a battle * $score : 0 player 2 won * 0.5 draws * 1 player 1 won */ //good luck for understanding it //(see https://blog.antoine-augusti.fr/2012/06/maths-et-code-le-classement-elo/) return array( $elo1 + ELO_get_k($elo1) * ($score - (1/ (1 + pow(10,(($elo2 - $elo1) / 400))))), $elo2 + ELO_get_k($elo2) * (1 - $score - (1/ (1 + pow(10,(($elo1 - $elo2) / 400))))) ); } function save_battle($game,$bot1,$bot2,$resultat){ //resultat: 0 match nul, 1 bot1 gagne 2 bot 2 gagne global $lnMysql; $game=substr($game,0,8); //limit 8 char for limitting mysql index size //chercher les id de bot 1 et bot2 $rs=mysqli_query($lnMysql,"SELECT name,id,ELO FROM bots WHERE name='".mysqli_real_escape_string($lnMysql,$bot1)."' OR name='".mysqli_real_escape_string($lnMysql,$bot2)."'"); while($r=mysqli_fetch_row($rs)){ $bots[$r[0]]=$r[1]; $actualELO[$r[0]]=$r[2]; } if((!isset($bots[$bot1])) OR (!isset($bots[$bot2]))){ error (500,"database corrupt"); die; } switch($resultat){ case 0: $field="nulCount"; $eloScore = 0.5; break; case 1: $field="player1_winsCount"; $eloScore = 1; break; case 2: $field="player2_winsCount"; $eloScore = 0; break; default: error (500,"something impossible has happened"); break; } $newRanks = ELO_get_new_ranks($actualELO[$bot1],$actualELO[$bot2],$eloScore); mysqli_multi_query($lnMysql, " UPDATE bots SET ELO='".$newRanks[0]."' WHERE id='".$bots[$bot1]."'; UPDATE bots SET ELO='".$newRanks[1]."' WHERE id='".$bots[$bot2]."'; INSERT INTO arena_history(game,player1_id,player2_id,".$field.") VALUES ('".mysqli_real_escape_string($lnMysql,$game)."', '".$bots[$bot1]."', '".$bots[$bot2]."', '1') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ".$field." = ".$field." + 1;"); } function get_unique_id(){ $fp = fopen(__DIR__.'/../countBattles.txt', 'c+'); flock($fp, LOCK_EX); $count = (int)fread($fp, filesize(__DIR__.'/../countBattles.txt')); ftruncate($fp, 0); fseek($fp, 0); fwrite($fp, $count + 1); flock($fp, LOCK_UN); fclose($fp); return $count; } function does_arena_exist($string,$arenasArr){ foreach($arenasArr as $arena){ if($string == $arena['id']){ return true; } } return false; }