function Ajx(){ var request = false; try {request = new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP');} catch (err2) { try {request = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');} catch (err3) { try { request = new XMLHttpRequest();} catch (err1) { request = false; } } } return request; } function createElem(type,attributes) { var elem=document.createElement(type); for (var i in attributes) {elem.setAttribute(i,attributes[i]);} return elem; } function fight(xd_check,fullLogs,gameId){ var xhr = Ajx(); xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){if(xhr.readyState == 4){ if(xhr.status == 200) { try{ var strike = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); }catch(e){ document.getElementById('logs').innerHTML += 'erreur' +xhr.responseText; return; } if( strike['target'] !== ''){ var coords = strike['target'].split(","); document.getElementById( 'bot' + strike['opponent'] + '-' + coords[1] + '-' + coords[0]).innerHTML = "X"; } var p=createElem("p"); p.innerHTML=strike['logs']; document.getElementById('logs').appendChild(p); document.getElementById("logs").scrollTop=document.getElementById("logs").scrollHeight; if( strike['continue'] == 1){ fight(xd_check,fullLogs,gameId); } } }};"POST", '/Battleship', true); xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); xhr.send('act=fight&xd_check=' + xd_check + '&fullLogs=' + fullLogs); } function battleship(bot1,bot2,gridWidth,gridHeight,nbShip1,nbShip2,nbShip3,nbShip4,nbShip5,nbShip6,xd_check,fullLogs){ var shipsArea= parseInt(nbShip1) + 2 * parseInt(nbShip2) + 3 * parseInt(nbShip3) + 4 * parseInt(nbShip4) + 5 * parseInt(nbShip5) + 6 * parseInt(nbShip6); if(shipsArea > parseInt(gridWidth * gridHeight / 2) ){ alert("Map is too small. Sum of ships areas must be under 50% of the map." + shipsArea + " "); return; } var ships= [0,parseInt(nbShip1),parseInt(nbShip2),parseInt(nbShip3),parseInt(nbShip4),parseInt(nbShip5),parseInt(nbShip6)]; var longestShip=0; for(var i = 6; i > 0; i--){ if(ships[i] > 0){ longestShip=ships[i]; break; } } if((longestShip==0) ||((longestShip > gridWidth) && (longestShip > gridHeight)) ){ alert ("Map is too small. Grow it or reduce ships"); return; } var bot1IdName = bot1.split("-"); var bot2IdName = bot2.split("-"); document.getElementById('fightResult').innerHTML = ''; //dessiner les deux grilles var tableAdv=createElem("table",{"id":"tbl1","class":"battleshipGrid"}); var tableMe=createElem("table",{"id":"tbl2","class":"battleshipGrid"}); //ligne de titre var trTitre1=createElem("tr"); var trTitre2=createElem("tr"); var tdTitre1=createElem("th",{"colspan":gridWidth}); var tdTitre2=createElem("th",{"colspan":gridWidth}); tdTitre1.innerHTML = bot1IdName[1]; tdTitre2.innerHTML = bot2IdName[1]; trTitre1.appendChild(tdTitre1); tableAdv.appendChild(trTitre1); trTitre2.appendChild(tdTitre2); tableMe.appendChild(trTitre2); for (var i=0; i < gridHeight ; i++){ var trAdv=createElem("tr"); var trMe=createElem("tr"); for (var j=0; j < gridWidth ; j++){ var tdAdv=createElem("td",{"id":"bot1-" + i +"-" + j,"class": "empty"}); var tdMe=createElem("td",{"id":"bot2-" + i +"-" + j,"class": "empty"}); trAdv.appendChild(tdAdv); trMe.appendChild(tdMe); } tableAdv.appendChild(trAdv); tableMe.appendChild(trMe); } document.getElementById('fightResult').appendChild(tableAdv); document.getElementById('fightResult').appendChild(tableMe); var divLogs=createElem("div",{"id":"logs"}); document.getElementById('fightResult').appendChild(divLogs); var xhr = Ajx(); xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){if(xhr.readyState == 4){ if(xhr.status == 200) { //debug //alert(xhr.responseText); try{ var grids = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); }catch(e){ document.getElementById('logs').innerHTML = xhr.responseText; return; } for( var player=1; player <= 2 ; player ++){ for (var y=0; y < grids[player].length ; y++){ for (var x=0; x < grids[player][y].length ; x++){ if (grids[player][y][x] == 1){ document.getElementById( 'bot' + player + '-' + y + '-' + x).className="shipOn"; } } } } for (var i = 0; i < grids['logs'].length; i++) { var p = createElem("p"); p.innerHTML = grids['logs'][i]; document.getElementById('logs').appendChild(p); } fight(xd_check,fullLogs); } }};"POST", '/Battleship', true); xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); xhr.send( 'act=initGame&bot1=' + bot1IdName[0] + '&bot2=' + bot2IdName[0] + '&gridWidth=' + gridWidth + '&gridHeight=' + gridHeight + '&nbShip1=' + nbShip1 + '&nbShip2=' + nbShip2 + '&nbShip3=' + nbShip3 + '&nbShip4=' + nbShip4 + '&nbShip5=' + nbShip5 + '&nbShip6=' + nbShip6 + '&xd_check=' + xd_check + '&fullLogs=' + fullLogs ); }