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class TronGame{
private $bots;
private $gameId;
public function getBotsPositions(){
$nbeBots = count($this->bots);
$arr = array();
for ($botCount = 0; $botCount < $nbeBots; $botCount++){
$arr[$botCount] = array(
"name" => $this->bots[$botCount]->getName(),
"tail" => $this->bots[$botCount]->getTail()
return $arr;
public function getGameId(){
return $this->gameId;
public function get_continue(){
//count bots alive. if less than 1, game is ended
$count = 0;
foreach($this->bots as $bot){
if( $bot->getStatus() == true){
if($count > 1){
return true;
return false;
public function init_game(){
//send init messages to bots
$logs = "";
$nbeBots = count($this->bots);
for ($botCount = 0; $botCount < $nbeBots; $botCount++){
$messageArr = array(
'game-id' => "".$this->gameId,
'action' => 'init',
'game' => 'tron',
'board' => '',
'players' => $nbeBots,
'player-index' => $botCount
$resp = get_IA_Response($this->bots[$botCount]->getURL(),$messageArr);
if($_POST['fullLogs'] == "true"){
$logs.='Arena send to '.$bots[$botCount]->getName().'<em>'.htmlentities($resp['messageSend']).'</em><br/>
HTTP status: <em>'.htmlentities($resp['httpStatus']).'</em><br/>
Bot anwser: <em>'.htmlentities($resp['response']).'</em><br/>';
$logs.="Init message send to ".$this->bots[$botCount]->getName()."<br/>";
return $logs;
private function getBusyCells(){
foreach($this->bots as $bot){
$arr = array_merge($arr,$bot->getTail);
return $arr;
public function __construct($botsIds){
$this->gameId = get_unique_id();
$this->bots = array();
$positions = array();
$botCount = 0;
$err = "";
foreach($botsIds as $botId){
//find a random start position
$x = rand(1,999);
$y = rand(1,999);
$positions[] = $x.",".$y;
$this->bots[$botCount] = new TronPlayer($botId,$x,$y,'y+');
if ($this->bots[$botCount]->getStatus() === false){
$err = "Something went wrong for ".$this->bots[$botCount]->getName()."<br/>";
return $err;