You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

217 lines
5.5 KiB

7 years ago
class RestQuery{
protected $response_code;
public $response_message; //array
protected $blog_id;
protected $required_perms = 'admin'; //must be changed by the childs class
should be:
'none' //must be have an account (without any rights)
'unauth' //Open to the world
public function __construct()
$this->response_code = 400;
$this->response_message = array(
"error" => "Unrecoknized method",
"code" => 400
* Check if required fields are set
* $strict => Go on error if a additionnal field is given
protected function check_for_required_fields($arrayToCheck,$fieldsRequired,$fieldsOptionals = '')
if ($fieldsOptionals == ''){
$fieldsOptionals == array();
$fieldsSetted = array_keys($arrayToCheck);
if($fieldsOptionals == ''){
return true;
$this->response_code = 400;
$this->response_message = array(
"error" => "Only and each of following parameters ".
implode(", ",$fieldsRequired)." are required",
"code" => 400
return false;
//check if all required fields are set
foreach($fieldsRequired as $key){
$this->response_code = 400;
$this->response_message = array(
"error" => "field ".$key." is needed",
"code" => 400
return false;
//check if a field is not in required and in fieldsOptionals
foreach($fieldsSetted as $keyToTest){
if((!in_array($keyToTest,$fieldsRequired)) && (!in_array($keyToTest,$fieldsOptionals))){
$this->response_message = array(
"error" => "Unwanted field '".$keyToTest."'",
"code" => 400
return false;
return true;
protected function body_to_array($body){
if($ret = json_decode($body,true)){
return $ret;
$this->response_code = 301;
$this->response_message = array(
'error' => 'Can\'t parse input JSON',
'code' => 400
return false;
protected function is_allowed()
global $core;
$perms = $core->auth->getAllPermissions();
case 'unauth':
//on verifie quand même que l'API est ouverte
if((!$core->blog->settings->rest->rest_is_open) && ($core->auth === false)){
return false;
return true;
case 'none':
//user must be valid
if($core->auth === false){
return false;
return true;
case 'media_admin':
case 'media':
case 'categories':
case 'contentadmin':
case 'delete':
case 'publish':
case 'usage':
case 'admin':
if($core->auth === false){
return false;
if ($core->auth->isSuperAdmin()){
return true;
return false;
public function get_full_code_header($code=''){
if($code == ''){
$code = $this->response_code;
static $codes = array(
100 =>"Continue",
101 =>"Switching Protocols",
102 =>"Processing",
200 =>"OK",
201 =>"Created",
202 =>"Accepted",
203 =>"Non-Authoritative Information",
204 =>"No Content",
205 =>"Reset Content",
206 =>"Partial Content",
207 =>"Multi-Status",
210 =>"Content Different",
226 =>"IM Used",
300 =>"Multiple Choices",
301 =>"Moved Permanently",
302 =>"Moved Temporarily",
303 =>"See Other",
304 =>"Not Modified",
305 =>"Use Proxy",
306 =>"(aucun)",
307 =>"Temporary Redirect",
308 =>"Permanent Redirect",
310 =>"Too many Redirects",
400 =>"Bad Request",
401 =>"Unauthorized",
402 =>"Payment Required",
403 =>"Forbidden",
404 =>"Not Found",
405 =>"Method Not Allowed",
406 =>"Not Acceptable",
407 =>"Proxy Authentication Required",
408 =>"Request Time-out",
409 =>"Conflict",
410 =>"Gone",
411 =>"Length Required",
412 =>"Precondition Failed",
413 =>"Request Entity Too Large",
414 =>"Request-URI Too Long",
415 =>"Unsupported Media Type",
416 =>"Requested range unsatisfiable",
417 =>"Expectation failed",
418 =>"Im a teapot",
421 =>"Bad mapping / Misdirected Request",
422 =>"Unprocessable entity",
423 =>"Locked",
424 =>"Method failure",
425 =>"Unordered Collection",
426 =>"Upgrade Required",
428 =>"Precondition Required",
429 =>"Too Many Requests",
431 =>"Request Header Fields Too Large",
449 =>"Retry With",
450 =>"Blocked by Windows Parental Controls",
451 =>"Unavailable For Legal Reasons",
456 =>"Unrecoverable Error"
return "HTTP/1.0 ".$code." ".$codes[$code];
return "HTTP/1.0 ".$code." Something wrong happened";
7 years ago