<?php class restAuth extends dcAuth { # L'utilisateur n'a pas le droit de changer son mot de passe protected $allow_pass_change = false; /** * Méthode de vérification de la clef d'api_key * Remplace la méthode chekUser (id: password) * Only use $user_key (all others parameters are for compatibility with the parent function) * input: $user_key STRING * output: boolean */ public function checkUser($user_id, $pwd = NULL, $user_key = NULL, $check_blog = true) { global $core; $hashedKey = $core->auth->crypt($user_key); //Check for the user api key $sqlStr = " SELECT setting_id FROM dc_setting WHERE setting_ns='rest' AND setting_id LIKE 'rest_key_%' AND setting_value = '".$core->con->escape($hashedKey)."';"; try { $rs = $core->con->select($sqlStr); } catch (Exception $e) { $err = $e->getMessage(); return false; } if ($rs->isEmpty()) { sleep(rand(2,5)); return false; } //get the user ID from the previous query $userId = explode("_", $rs->setting_id)[2]; //get USER infos $strReq = 'SELECT user_id, user_super, user_pwd, user_change_pwd, '. 'user_name, user_firstname, user_displayname, user_email, '. 'user_url, user_default_blog, user_options, '. 'user_lang, user_tz, user_post_status, user_creadt, user_upddt '. 'FROM '.$core->con->escapeSystem($this->user_table).' '. "WHERE user_id = '".$core->con->escape($userId)."'"; try { $rs = $core->con->select($strReq); } catch (Exception $e) { $err = $e->getMessage(); return false; } if ($rs->isEmpty()) { sleep(rand(2,5)); return false; } $this->user_id = $rs->user_id; $this->user_change_pwd = (boolean) $rs->user_change_pwd; $this->user_admin = (boolean) $rs->user_super; $this->user_info['user_pwd'] = $rs->user_pwd; $this->user_info['user_name'] = $rs->user_name; $this->user_info['user_firstname'] = $rs->user_firstname; $this->user_info['user_displayname'] = $rs->user_displayname; $this->user_info['user_email'] = $rs->user_email; $this->user_info['user_url'] = $rs->user_url; $this->user_info['user_default_blog'] = $rs->user_default_blog; $this->user_info['user_lang'] = $rs->user_lang; $this->user_info['user_tz'] = $rs->user_tz; $this->user_info['user_post_status'] = $rs->user_post_status; $this->user_info['user_creadt'] = $rs->user_creadt; $this->user_info['user_upddt'] = $rs->user_upddt; $this->user_info['user_cn'] = dcUtils::getUserCN($rs->user_id, $rs->user_name, $rs->user_firstname, $rs->user_displayname); //$this->user_options = array_merge($this->core->userDefaults(),$rs->options()); $this->user_prefs = new dcPrefs($this->core,$this->user_id); return true; } //return user permission for all blogs //[blog_id] => permission public function getAllPermissions() { global $core; //conserve the value static $blogs = false; if($blogs !== false){ return $blogs; } if ($this->user_admin) { //user_admin == super admin $strReq = 'SELECT blog_id '. 'from '.$this->blog_table; $rs = $core->con->select($strReq); while ($rs->fetch()) { $blogs[$rs->blog_id] = 'admin'; } return $blogs; } $strReq = 'SELECT blog_id, permissions '. 'FROM '.$this->perm_table.' '. "WHERE user_id = '".$this->con->escape($this->user_id)."' ". "AND (permissions LIKE '%|usage|%' OR permissions LIKE '%|admin|%' OR permissions LIKE '%|contentadmin|%') "; $rs = $this->con->select($strReq); while ($rs->fetch()){ $blogs[$rs->blog_id] = $this->parsePermissions($rs->permissions); } return $blogs; } }