Gnieark 6年前
コミット 532a513d7d

@ -1,2 +1,4 @@
# goTicTactoeBot
a golang tictactoe bot for BotsArena or bolosseum
I am learning golang it's my first program. Don't take it seriously

@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<meta name="author" content="Gnieark" />
<title>Test ton bot</title>
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.battleGrid{padding-left:10px; border-collapse:collapse; margin: 20px 20px 20px 20px;}
.battleGrid tr{}
.battleGrid td{border: 1px dashed green; text-align: center; font-weight: bold;width:2em; height: 2em; vertical-align: middle;}
.hidden{display: none;}
#logs{font-size: 70%;}
var grid={"0-0":"","0-1":"","0-2":"","1-0":"","1-1":"","1-2":"","2-0":"","2-1":"","2-2":""};
var currentPlayer=0;
var gameId=0;
function createElem(type,attributes){
var elem=document.createElement(type);
for (var i in attributes)
return elem;
function addLog(message){
var p=createElem('p');
function changePlayerType(player,newValue){
if(newValue == "bot"){
document.getElementById('url' + player).disabled="";
document.getElementById('url' + player).disabled="disabled";
function playingAT(cellKey){
//hide buttons
var inputs = document.getElementById('grid').getElementsByTagName('input');
for (var index = 0; index < inputs.length; index++) {
if(currentPlayer == 1){
var symbol= "X";
var symbol="O";
//test if cell is empty
if(grid[cellKey] !== ""){
addLog("Player " + currentPlayer + "tente de jouer sur " + cellKey +". Cette case est déjà prise, il perd");
//placer le caractere
if(currentPlayer == 1){
var symbol= "X";
var symbol="O";
document.getElementById(cellKey).innerHTML = symbol;
addLog("Player " + currentPlayer + " joue " + cellKey);
//does he win?
//tester si trois caracteres allignés
((grid['0-0'] == grid['0-1']) && (grid['0-1'] == grid['0-2']) && (grid['0-2']!==""))
|| ((grid['1-0'] == grid['1-1']) && (grid['1-1'] == grid['1-2']) && (grid['1-2']!==""))
|| ((grid['2-0'] == grid['2-1']) && (grid['2-1'] == grid['2-2']) && (grid['2-2']!==""))
|| ((grid['0-0'] == grid['1-0']) && (grid['1-0'] == grid['2-0']) && (grid['2-0']!==""))
|| ((grid['0-1'] == grid['1-1']) && (grid['1-1'] == grid['2-1']) && (grid['2-1']!==""))
|| ((grid['0-2'] == grid['1-2']) && (grid['1-2'] == grid['2-2']) && (grid['2-2']!==""))
|| ((grid['0-0'] == grid['1-1']) && (grid['1-1'] == grid['2-2']) && (grid['2-2']!==""))
|| ((grid['0-2'] == grid['1-1']) && (grid['1-1'] == grid['2-0']) && (grid['2-0']!==""))
addLog("Player " + currentPlayer + "gagne la partie");
//change player
if(currentPlayer == 1){
function play(player){
if(document.getElementById("player" + player + "Type").value == "bot"){
//call bot url
if(currentPlayer == 1){
var symbol= "X";
var symbol="O";
var arrToSend= {
"game-id": "" + gameId,
"action" : "play-turn",
"game" : "tictactoe",
"players" : 2,
"board" : grid,
"you" : symbol,
"player-index" : player-1
var stringToSend = JSON.stringify(arrToSend);
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){if(xhr.readyState == 4){
if(xhr.status == 200) {
addLog('message send to bot ' + player + ':' + stringToSend);
addLog('his awnser is: ' + xhr.responseText);
var reponse = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
var cellTarget= reponse['play'];
addLog('player ' + player + ' a fait une réponse non conforme aux specs: ' + xhr.responseText);
//test format of response
var reg = /^[0-2]-[0-2]$/;
if (!reg.test(cellTarget)){
addLog('player ' + player + ' a fait une réponse non conforme: ' + xhr.responseText);
addLog('player ' + player + ' n est pas joignable ' + xhr.status);
}};"POST", document.getElementById('url' + player).value, true);
xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
xhr.send(stringToSend );
//wait for human response, show buttons on empty cases
for (var key in grid){
if(grid[key] == ""){
document.getElementById('button' + key).setAttribute("class", "");
function startGame(){
//empty div
while (document.getElementById("fightResult").firstChild) {
//create grid
var table=createElem('table',{'class':'battleGrid', 'id': 'grid'});
for (var i=0; i < 3 ; i++){
var tr=createElem('tr');
for (var j=0;j<3; j++){
var td=createElem('td',{'id': j + '-' + i});
var playerButton=createElem('input',{
'type': 'button',
'id':'button' + j + '-' + i,
'onclick':"playingAT('" + j + '-' + i + "');",'value':'-',
'class': 'hidden'}
tr.appendChild (td);
var divLogs=createElem("div",{"id":"logs"});
//init vars
gameId=Math.floor((Math.random() * 10000) + 1);
//envoyer les requetes d'init aux bots
for (var p = 1; p < 3 ; p++){
if(document.getElementById("player" + p + "Type").value == "bot"){
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", document.getElementById('url' + p).value, false);
xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
xhr.send('{"game-id":"1126","action":"init","game":"tictactoe","players":2,"board":{},"player-index":' + (p - 1) +'}');
if(xhr.status == 200) {
addLog('Message d\'init envoyé au bot player ' + p );
addLog('player ' + p + ' n est pas joignable ' + xhr.status);
<h1>Debug and test your tictactoe AI</h1>
<h2>Configure the test</h2>
<td>Player 1</td>
<td><select id="player1Type" name="player1Type" onchange="changePlayerType(1,this.value);">
<option value="bot">bot</option>
<option value="human">human</option>
<td colspan="2">
<input id="url1" type="text" name="player1URL" placeholder="url du bot http://localhost" value=""/>
<td>Player 2</td>
<select id="player2Type" name="player2Type" onchange="changePlayerType(2,this.value);">
<option value="human">human</option>
<option value="bot">bot</option>
<td colspan="2">
<input id="url2" type="text" name="player2URL" placeholder="url du bot http://localhost" disabled value=""/>
<p><input type="button" onclick="startGame()" value="Fight"/></p>
<article id="fightResult">
<a href="/p/About">About</a><a href="">Bots'Arena source code</a><a href="/p/legals">Mentions légales</a>

@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
* Mini max algorythm for Tictactoe Bot ( or bollosseum)
* By Gnieark 2018-06
* I am learning golang it's my first script, don't take it seriously
package main
import (
type Plate struct{
Cell00 string `json:"0-0,omitempty"`
Cell01 string `json:"0-1,omitempty"`
Cell02 string `json:"0-2,omitempty"`
Cell10 string `json:"1-0,omitempty"`
Cell11 string `json:"1-1,omitempty"`
Cell12 string `json:"1-2,omitempty"`
Cell20 string `json:"2-0,omitempty"`
Cell21 string `json:"2-1,omitempty"`
Cell22 string `json:"2-2,omitempty"`
type QuestionMessage struct {
GameId string `json:"game-id,omitempty"`
Action string `json:"action,omitempty"`
Game string `json:"game,omitempty"`
Players int `json:"players,omitempty"`
Board Plate `json:"board"`
You string `json:"you,omitempty"`
PlayerIndex int `json:"player-index,omitempty"`
type Coords struct{
X int
Y int
* Give a score to a cell where to play
* @param tmap the grid Values 0 are empty cells
* target. The coords to test
* currentPlayer int. His digit 1 or 2
* @return int the score
func scoreTarget (tmap [3][3] int, target Coords, currentPlayer int) int{
tmap[target.X][target.Y] = currentPlayer
//count the depth
depth :=0
for i := 0; i<3 ; i++{
for j := 0; j<3 ; j++{
if tmap[i][j] > 0 {
* 0-0 | 0-1 | 0-2
* 1-0 | 1-1 | 1-2
* 2-0 | 2-1 | 2-2
alignments := [8][3]Coords{
for i:=0; i < len(alignments) ; i++ {
for j:=0; j < 3 ; j++ {
if tmap[alignments[i][j].X][alignments[i][j].Y] != currentPlayer{
win = false
if win {
return 100 - depth
//if it was the last cell
if depth == 9 { return 0}
//test if this target prevent to loose
var newPlayer int
if currentPlayer == 1 {
newPlayer = 2
newPlayer = 1
_ ,nextScore := playOn(tmap,newPlayer)
return -nextScore
* return the better cell, and his score where to play
* @param tmap the grid Values 0 are empty cells
* currentPlayer int. His digit 1 or 2
* @return beastCoord,beastScore
func playOn (tmap [3][3]int, currentPlayer int) (Coords,int){
beastScore := -999
beastCoord := Coords{-1,-1}
//scorer les emplacements libres
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
for j:= 0; j < 3; j++ {
if tmap[i][j] == 0 {
if sc > beastScore {
beastScore = sc
beastCoord = Coords{i,j}
return beastCoord,beastScore
//******** http, and parsing functions *******
func tictactoeSymbolsToInt (symbolToTest string,mySymbol string) int{
switch symbolToTest {
case mySymbol:
return 1
case "":
return 0
case " ":
return 0
return 2
func parseQuery(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){
allowedHeaders := "Accept, Content-Type, Content-Length, Accept-Encoding, Authorization,X-CSRF-Token"
w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST, GET, OPTIONS, PUT, DELETE")
w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", allowedHeaders)
decoder := json.NewDecoder(r.Body)
var questionMessage QuestionMessage
err := decoder.Decode(&questionMessage)
if err != nil {
switch questionMessage.Action{
case "init":
case "play-turn":
//Convert the map to an exploitable array
var tmap [3][3]int
tmap[0][0] = tictactoeSymbolsToInt(questionMessage.Board.Cell00,questionMessage.You)
tmap[0][1] = tictactoeSymbolsToInt(questionMessage.Board.Cell01,questionMessage.You)
tmap[0][2] = tictactoeSymbolsToInt(questionMessage.Board.Cell02,questionMessage.You)
tmap[1][0] = tictactoeSymbolsToInt(questionMessage.Board.Cell10,questionMessage.You)
tmap[1][1] = tictactoeSymbolsToInt(questionMessage.Board.Cell11,questionMessage.You)
tmap[1][2] = tictactoeSymbolsToInt(questionMessage.Board.Cell12,questionMessage.You)
tmap[2][0] = tictactoeSymbolsToInt(questionMessage.Board.Cell20,questionMessage.You)
tmap[2][1] = tictactoeSymbolsToInt(questionMessage.Board.Cell21,questionMessage.You)
tmap[2][2] = tictactoeSymbolsToInt(questionMessage.Board.Cell22,questionMessage.You)
target, score := playOn(tmap, 1)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "{\"play\":\"%d-%d\",\"Comment\":\"score %d\"}", target.X, target.Y,score)
w.Write([]byte("Error " + questionMessage.Action ))
func arena(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile("./arena.html")
if err == nil {
} else {
w.Write([]byte("404 Something went wrong - " + http.StatusText(404)))
func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/arena", arena)
http.HandleFunc("/", parseQuery)
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil))