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* Mini max algorythm for Tictactoe Bot ( or bollosseum)
* By Gnieark 2018-06
* I am learning golang it's my first script, don't take it seriously
package tictactoe
//Coords 2D coords
type Coords struct{
X int
Y int
* Give a score to a cell where to play
* @param tmap the grid Values 0 are empty cells
* target. The coords to test
* currentPlayer int. His digit 1 or 2
* @return int the score
func scoreTarget (tmap [3][3] int, target Coords, currentPlayer int) int{
tmap[target.X][target.Y] = currentPlayer
//count the depth
depth :=0
for i := 0; i<3 ; i++{
for j := 0; j<3 ; j++{
if tmap[i][j] > 0 {
alignments := [8][3]Coords{
for i:=0; i < len(alignments) ; i++ {
for j:=0; j < 3 ; j++ {
if tmap[alignments[i][j].X][alignments[i][j].Y] != currentPlayer{
win = false
if win {
return 100 - depth
//if it was the last cell
if depth == 9 { return 0}
var newPlayer int
if currentPlayer == 1 {
newPlayer = 2
newPlayer = 1
//recursion there
_ ,nextScore := PlayOn(tmap,newPlayer)
return -nextScore
// PlayOn return the better cell, and his score where to play
// @param tmap the grid Values 0 are empty cells
// currentPlayer int. His digit 1 or 2
// @return beastCoord,beastScore
func PlayOn (tmap [3][3]int, currentPlayer int) (Coords,int){
beastScore := -999
beastCoord := Coords{-1,-1}
//scorer les emplacements libres
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
for j:= 0; j < 3; j++ {
if tmap[i][j] == 0 {
if sc > beastScore {
beastScore = sc
beastCoord = Coords{i,j}
return beastCoord,beastScore