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A very simple PHP template class

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This simple template file:

    <!-- BEGIN templatesystem -->
        <li><a href="{{templatesystem.url}}"> {{}}</a>
         by {{}} is {{templatesystem.quality}}</li> 
    <!-- END templatesystem -->


Parsed with this code:

require_once ("path/class.TplBlock.php");

//init object
$tpl = new TplBlock();
//add a var
$tpl->add_vars(array("pageTilte" => "Poke @zigazou ;)"));

$data = array(
        "url"       => "",
        "name"      => "tplBlock",
        "author"    => "Gnieark",
        "quality"   => "simple and perfect"
        "url"       => "",
        "name"      =>  "TemplateEngine",
        "author"    => "Zigazou",
        "quality"   => "more complex than tplBlock"


//add blocks
foreach ($data as $block){
    $tplTemplateSystem = new TplBlock("templatesystem");
    $tplTemplateSystem -> add_vars($block);

echo $tpl->apply_tpl_file("template.html");

will return:

    <h1>Poke @zigazou ;)</h1>
            <li><a href=""> tplBlock</a>
         by Gnieark is simple and perfect</li> 
            <li><a href=""> TemplateEngine</a>
         by Zigazou is more complex than tplBlock</li> 


Conception choices

I wrote this class for use it on others personnals projects. It's really simple. I think logicals functions "OR" "IF", filtering, caching, are not the templating system matter.

If a block ( <--BEGIN .... )is in the template, but is not called, it will be deleted.

For now, class is permissive. I'll improve it to manage templating errors.